risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

^word. It’s abusive if you can do it right. highly imbalanced… haha.:io:

The town I just pillaged essentially just paid for my next academy upgrade.

I gotta get some spies so I can pillage more effectively.

Yeah… same here. I wish I would have known earlier, I wouldn’t have even worried about the trading post. I guess I should take a little better look at who everyone is… just so I don’t accidentally run one of you guys over :smiley:

So pillaging is hte way to go?

If you don’t have your balls hidden between your legs, yeah.

ok man, I messaged u back. go ahead and do it if you still need help. I was in a lunch meeting and just got back.

in the future, you don’t need to ask… just go ahead and do it. (and I’ll do the same… keeps people off our nuts)

did any one see how many years it takes to get to level 40 on some things

There is nothing worse than pillaging someone only to find out they didn’t have anything. ILCisDEAD your one neighbor is a broke fuck. I need spies!!!

my spy got caught :frowning: lol


I guess he wasn’t very good!

no, he wasn’t very good at all.

I sent him to someone’s town to spy on their resources… and then vanished. He literally survived about 3-4 mins.

did the town find out it was you

I don’t know… but even if they do, unless they have a really strong army, I should put up a good fight. I don’t know if the game alerts you if they find out where it came from

I just got my tavern up and running, serving three wine an hour. I have a happy rating of 195. My citizens are a bunch of alcoholics!


What is everyone’s saw mill level at?

Mine is at 4. There’s only me and one other guy donating though.

i dont know how you guys are so far ahead. I only a level 4 acad

and ours is also at 4

our mill is at level 3 (about to hit 4).

marble mine is also at 3

I’m only at level 5, so I’m not that far ahead.

I’m going to start pillaging my neighbors. Anyone who has workers at the mill and hasn’t donated is gonna get hit.