risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

:tup: dooooo it

I’m doing it on behalf of the island. I’m putting all the wood back into the mill.

Thats my response if anyone messages me.

oh, and a tip in case you didn’t already know. If your using firefox, get the greasemonkey addon for it then click the link below and install it.

it makes the UI in the game MUCH more functional. You can see more stats than normal among other things. Sureshot gets the credit for the find


good idea… I’m going to do the same soon

lol also, what I’ve been doing all day is finding people selling shit for cheap (selling 50 sulfur for 10 each for example), buying it all up then turning around and selling it for double :smiley: (or use it to cock block people on your shit list that’s trying to get an arm and a leg for their stuff)

my mill is at a 4 right now … what i do is everynight b4 i go home i dump all my wood and $ into the island… like today i will not be back till monday so i know i will have it all back by then

good idea

plus it’ll keep it out of enemies hands

i wanna buy some glass and support nyspeed. anyone have?

mill is level 4, quarry is level 3. I try to donate 50-100 wood and marble a day.

if you were closer, I’d be able to help ya

thanks, I found a trader, he buys from me and I from him for 30 each, so 1-1. Anyone knoe what the professional Army upgrade gets me?

It allows you to train better soldiers. Swordsmen and phalanx.

Ah you blew up my spot… now I’m not special anymore. Although I wonder how many people here took advantage of it.

Side note, I’m feeling the hurt of expanding too quickly without keeping everything equal. My academy is almost level 7, and I can barely support it without going into a deficit. I have stopped all wine + lumber production just to stay in the black and out of the red!

It’s not that big of a deal though, all my pillaging makes up for my lazy citizens :smiley:

also, having a fleet of ships really puts a damper on your income, lol.

lol no shit

if ya need some supplies, let me know

how did the attack go?

I msg’d the guy and told him he would just be wasting his time if he didn’t back out. I told him I was part of a “guild” and told him that if his ships were 1 minute away, I’d just send all my resources to a guild mate and that we would just continually attack him till he quit.

It took awhile, but eventually his ships retreated lol. Now I have 4 balista ships in my port :smiley:

sooo how much are you supposed to sell things for? lol

fucking LOL

well played sir

   		sooo how much are you supposed to sell things for?  lol

whatever you want to really. Check out what other people are selling stuff for once you build a trading post and use that to gage what you should be asking.

you can probably get 10-50 dollars per unit. I never have a problem selling shit for 20-25 dollars a unit

i need marble

I’m always in the read by at least -170 but I have like 5K gold so I don’t care. There is one guy that buys like 200 wine from me at $30 gold a pop. I have everything maxed.

My mill level 5, I <3 people on my island.