risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

looks like artifact.



did you try trading with your neighbors?

woot, my city is hooked the f up right now. Expanding like a mofo

Yeah me also. I finally found time to upgrade my tavern… I should have been doing that a long time ago!

help alot?

lumber mill @ level 5 now

Well needless to say, my population is going to max out a lot faster now than before, which is extremely necessary if i’m going to support my city!

how come some of the towns on my island the only option is to make a treaty?

^ they don’t have a trading post or trading port would be my guess

finally able to build a tavern, my peeps will be drunks in no time

ive been robbed they took 174 glass, i need an alliance

ouch… build up your warehouse… it’ll protect your stuff.

if someone on here is near you, send all of your stuff there if you go under attack.

(or pull a sureshot and tell them they’ll get raped by 20 people if they mess with you lol)


first pillage, pulled in 835 in building materials

boo ya

That was your first pillage? You must be playing the game really well so far to get by successfully up till this point :slight_smile:

yeah, just been building defenses and researching and wheeling and dealing with the trade post.

buy low, sell high :smiley:

Are you guys pillaging local island towns or towns on other islands?

the one I did was local.

he/she didn’t donate to anything on the island, nor have they moved from level 1 since I’ve been playing so f 'em

not sure about other people though

awesome… building a palace :tup:

Same. :tup:

Wait, you pillaged a lvl1? lol.

Those are the best when you need wood. Chances are they never got into the game and their stockpile keeps growing and growing…

Yeah people on my island don’t donate so they get pillaged. I just sent out a spy to a level 5 sulfur village. Getting my forces ready to mobilize!

how long did it take you guys to get your comfirmation e-mail? this is the second day and I still don’t have mine yet.

Anyone got some marble they want to exchange for wine/grapes?