risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

I am able to colonize now, wonder if I should pick an island thats empty or one that has other towns on it.

with towns! The saw mill and resource thing will go up faster

I need some wine, anyone have some to spare.

Also soon I will be producing glass…

i need glass…no one in a 3 island radius is selling it apparently lol wtf

i also need glass, and wine … i keep buying wine but glass no one is selling around me here

btw, i just built an embassy…searched for nyspeed and one came up but it only has 1 member? is that right?

Yeah, Stevil sucks at being a leader. I’m thinking about taking over. :slight_smile:

well someone do somthing, i wanna join :rofl:

ugh you are just waaaayy too far away to get a shipment off to you

lol I don’t know how ppl join/signup

it says that I have 0 diplomacy points. :frowning:

i know there is no one out here

I have 7!

need marble and glass… blah, this guy keeps listing marble for sale and then when i’m on my way he removes the listing so i return with nothing lol

LOL. Last night I got a message in game from someone on the island where I set up my colony…

“I do hope you plan to contribute rather than just leach…”

I replied:

“And what if I don’t contribute”

this morning he attacked me… lost all of his units. I guess he didn’t think I was intelligent enough to move a majority of my military to my colony for this reason! I sent him a message afterwards saying:

“Ok, so what if I don’t contribute?”


ahahahahahah that rules

guy i have 800 marble … im trying your island once more see if we can set something up here

edit: still nothing

I need some fucking marble stevil! hook me up.

And lets sort this alliance thing out… we are at the point where we should be teamed up.

Should I just make a new one?

do something

Okay I made one.

Search for NYSpeed. the tag is NYS

message sent