risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

you can send troops and ships back and forth, as long as you have a barracks and shipyard at the place you want to send.

go to island view of the colony you want to send to. in the drop down box, choose the colony with the units you want to send from. It will now show “Deploy Troops” and “Deploy Ships” for the colony.

ok cool…wasnt sure if it was worth it to get some troops ready in the meantime or not

k just started colonizing, how long does it take usually? nevermind found it

Kait, I sent you some wine. I didn’t realize how far it was though and that was all I had left after a huge sale. Oops. lollll

I need to find one of you guys close by. I’m alllll alone.

colony started :tup:


i was just writing you a message about that, thanks, do you want me to send over some sulfur? i’m pretty far out, no one is near me either.

I’m good (unless you’re bored). I have a ton of wine now I can send back out. No one is buying it at the moment and I have ships just sitting around. Did you need more?

i need a lot, i pillaged all the wine islands near me and now they set up bigger armies. i’ll send some sulfur.

ten, four. thanks.

EDIT_ Filled one ship up and sent it. Another ship should be back soon. I’ll send that too, shit I have way too much wine. lol

ok i have this colony now, with barracks, trade post, shipyard, and trading port… yet i still can’t send troops/supplies to it. what am i doing wrong!

Action points???

yea i have all my action points available… i don’t even see where to click to send supplies tho, when i click on my “town” in the island view there is no “action” field, its empty

And your sure your on the town you want to send resources from??

Sometimes, mine screws up and even though I click town a, it’ll throw me back to town b.

Let me know if that makes sense.

yea i know what you mean, i have to be in “island view” right?

I sent you a message in the game, I need some wine. I can trade marble or crystal…

thanks for the marble fuzzy, do you need anything?

Yeah island view should do it. Pretty much the exact same thing you do to transfer goods to another person. I don’t get it either. Did someone blockade you???

I already told you how to do it.

There is a drop down for your colony you are dealing with. Go to the island view of the town you want to send troops to. THEN, in the drop down, select the town that has the troops. Click on the town you want to send to, under island view, it will say Deploy Troops, Deploy Fleet and Transfer Goods.

The drop down states which colony you are giving commands from.

If you have some sulfur that would be most excellent for pillaging those far away neighbors.