you can send troops and ships back and forth, as long as you have a barracks and shipyard at the place you want to send.
go to island view of the colony you want to send to. in the drop down box, choose the colony with the units you want to send from. It will now show “Deploy Troops” and “Deploy Ships” for the colony.
I’m good (unless you’re bored). I have a ton of wine now I can send back out. No one is buying it at the moment and I have ships just sitting around. Did you need more?
yea i have all my action points available… i don’t even see where to click to send supplies tho, when i click on my “town” in the island view there is no “action” field, its empty
Yeah island view should do it. Pretty much the exact same thing you do to transfer goods to another person. I don’t get it either. Did someone blockade you???
There is a drop down for your colony you are dealing with. Go to the island view of the town you want to send troops to. THEN, in the drop down, select the town that has the troops. Click on the town you want to send to, under island view, it will say Deploy Troops, Deploy Fleet and Transfer Goods.
The drop down states which colony you are giving commands from.