risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

Anyone able to send me a few hundo crystal? I keep pillaging crystal islands and come up short, rar.

56:66 Sparta. TIA.

NOW i get what you mean… i was in the wrong “town” this whole time…

I sent you 300. It’ll be a little over 3 hours though.

Glad you finally figured it out Jay! Sorry I didn’t explain it as well as Baldy did.

what needs to be built/researched to get resources from colonies?

Thanks, I have a billion sulfur if need be.

You need to research expansion and build a palace. You’ll also need 6 trade ships, 1250 wood, 40 citizens, and 12,000 gold.

Sure, can never have enough! 61:71 town name: Ghetto

Just heading out of the office, so I will get you later.

Whenever you get to it. Thanks!

I think I’m done playing this, I don’t know why but I suddenly lost all interest. :frowning:

If someone wants my account, PM me, and I’ll give you the info.


PM Stevil.

But what about all the cool weapons you don’t have yet??? Catapults, riflemen, and the like!!! You get to occupy someone’s city in the future!!!

Take a break for a couple days and come back to it.

I have a colony now, but it doesn’t seem all that worthwhile… maybe down the road. I haven’t attacked a single town yet, haha, doing it the diplomatic way!

I need more wine, I have 700+ alkys to feed. I have a ton of crystal and a half ton of marble to trade

Pillage the shit of the islands with wine. That is what I have been doing. That and paying out the ass for it from traders.

so, is the NYSpeed alliance inactive now? I have done the handshake and sent the message… and nothing.

I have 3 different islands now… I really really wish you were all closer to me!

Bingo, but I think I’ve ran my neighbors dry, everytime I only get about 35 wine. Boooo

I was just thinking this last night as I sat at work. It does get really boring once you hit the point where everything takes like 8hrs to upgrade.

Yeah it does slow down a good bit sadly. Mostly been using the nearby economy, and diplomacy to keep my self occupied in it. But I’m slowly losing interest as well.

If you are that bored feel free to just send me all your goods :stuck_out_tongue:

i have three colonies now. Im all alone on my side of the world, and it is still just a good time waster. All of you should be checked for ADHD…

Just got a message from a dude I’ve been pillaging a lot:

“Why do you insist on attacking me? I’m on a separate island with little in the way of profitable gain. simply out of curiosity I wish to know what spawned your animosity.”

Was going to ignore it, but decided to borrow a page from Sureshot’s book:

"Everyone needs an enemy.

I’m yours.

Best regards,
The Deliverator"