risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

^ haha, nice, i held off an attack of 76 against my 36 because of walll defense, it came down to two of my guys left!

ditto. i did the handshake thing and i’m still not in!

Its because sureshot and stevil are the only one’s with power. Stevil got booted and sureshot isn’t playing anymore. Maybe we should start another alliance. I just need to upgrade my embassy one more time. Anyone down for the 3rd NySpeed alliance???

Fuzzy, I sent you 300 more sulfur because I was overloaded with it. Enjoy!!

I’m bored with this game too. But, I’ll join in and continue to play. lol

I sent more wine out to everyone.

Anyone have a museum that wants to exchange cultural goods???

i’m down for the 3rd alliance. start one up.

Im game for the alliance. My score is shooting up like crazy since I have three colonies!

I WAS building up my resources to get the 4th sulfur one, but some guy is sending 50 troops to my town as we speak!

I have a port level 1, but i think Im gonna lose all of my troops. We shall see :slight_smile:

I havent been attacked yet, so Im gonna leave my guys to see what happens. I have sent most of my resourses away and donated all of my built up wood to the island. LOL

Ok, I’ll upgrade my embassy again then and get it going.

Its going to be a bit though, I’m building my third colony as I type this.

What islands do you have? I went Wine/Glass/Marble.

I really wish I had a sulfur island now though… but PsngrSeats is close enough that we can trade :slight_smile:

I’m tossing him a TON of stuff for 1200 sulfur :slight_smile: Time to build up a ton of phalanxes in each colony…

I am now realizing how important the wall being the same level as my town is. I guess I’ll put my town growth on hold to build up some defense.

I now have wine, sulfur, and crystal.

Yeah, my town walls are both at least level 5. My wine island gets extra defense boost because of the world wonder not to mention I have 20 phalanx. Somebody would have to be out of their mind to attack that town.

i do like our little trading game we have set up, i have all the sulfur and nothing to use it on.

and i keep upgrading my islands to give me more minerals so i dont think i’ll run out either.

hell, im more mad about my army getting destroyed than the loss of minerals! I can always get more minerals quickly… hell, overnight really.

How close is carbon to you Psngr?

Looks to be 13 hours. Thats a bit far.

That attack on me counted down to zero and then NOTHING. I didnt lose troops, I didnt lose resources. WTF happened?


Does it give you a battle report? I’ve never been attacked so I dunno.

the same thing keeps happening to me, i don’t know who is attacking me, i can just see that and attack is about to happen and then nothing happens.

same here. happened a few times to me and no report is given.

i’ve only been attack once that worked out for the attacker and they got away with 4 gold, and nothing more.

does your wall say it repelled any recent attacks?

More than likely he got the message once he got there that “a sea battle would be lost so you troops turned around”

It means nobody fought and nobody won, they just turned around.

He actually ended up losing all 30 of his troops, and his military score went down to zero. I sent him a message by wasting a bunch of gold and all of my troops to attack him back and looted 6 ships of goods from him.

Fucker was 2 hours away! LOL

He then mailed me back saying “Well, my town is a higher level than yours!” And at that point, 4 minutes later my town upgraded to his town level and I said “look again. You lose”

That was fun… :slight_smile: