risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

2 hours and ten minutes til I can form one!!

I’m in as soon as its formed! I still dont know what it means to be in one… but… I’m in :slight_smile:

Basically that people are less likely to try to pillage you. I think anyway.

so, the alliance built yet?

Also, I just got a museum. Whats this thing all about? :slight_smile:

Anyone around me with some wine, I apparently the islands around me ran out over the weekend. :frowning:

Started building another colony, I have Marble, Crystal and now Wine.

OK alliance is formed. If your in sureshot’s you need to quit that one first. Then search for Nyspeed3

I know, I’m unoriginal.

Fuzzy, I’ll send you some wine.

I just got my first colony up.


Not quite self sufficient just yet though.

600 Wine.
3h 28m 41s.

I only had two ships available.


Woot, woot, also I have my usual stockpile of marble should anyone need it.

Can I has 300?

EDIT_ LOL. Somehow I managed to hit the 5 instead of the 6 button. I see I sent you 500 now. Oops.

Is this what everyone is doing now??

Its here if you want it.

I could use some rock if anyone has some.

how do you quit? tear down your embassy? i don’t see any option to leave.

Go into your embassy and there will be a quit option in the left column.


Woot! Im finally in an alliance :slight_smile:

Someone send me more cultural goods!

ok I quit the old nys, sent request for the new nys

I think you need to upgrade your museum to get more. Unless you already did…

:tup: but we need more members