risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

so is Nyspeed3 the one i want to be in ?? is this new big one?

there is only 4 in there is that what i want?

lol so far this is the newest

Yeah, we’re working on getting anyone still playing to transfer over to this new one.

NySpeed 4 coming soon! LOL J/K!

ok well then someone let me in

i can has wood ,rocks , and funny smell junk

edit # 5 <~~` this guy

now what happens

Your in Mike.

We have one more spot available, then I gotta upgrade my embassy again.

do you need some extra wood for that i only have 6k and 4k for sale

No I got plenty. I’m just in the middle of upgrading my town hall to level 10. It takes like 5 hours so thats whats holding me up. Thanks for the offer though!!

game is in the middle of an update. just in case you guys were curious why you couldnt choose the server at login!

I spent 5 minutes troubleshooting my mozilla… only to go to the boards and see they were doing the update. :slight_smile:

I cant wait to log in and see whos in the alliance now

yeah i was wondering. i’m at my gf’s right now and couldn’t log in and was like wtf…

That works for me. I gotta step out anyway. If anyone is trying to get into the alliance, I probably won’t be back on until tomorrow morning, but send the request in and I’ll put you in as soon as I get back.

Alliance request sent.

so in my “eta” world i have a few pic here

this one … this is like all the islands around me

and this one i saved 123k for this … i wanted to see what happend when you gave the wonder $$ it wanted

Yeah I donated 5k to the wonder, and realized it said 700k for the next blessing. I decided it was not worth it at all.

Anybody able to send me like 800 crystal? I can return the favor in sulphur. K thx bye.

Should we make a new thread on this, so that we can update the first page? Since Stevil is gone… I cant update you guys on my locations/etc…

Who wants to redo this?

if i was not at work i would… copy what ther is now and on the top of the post avd the people if they want in they need to pm you all the info to get up dated

Yes indeed we do need a new thread.

a new thread would be great.

Anyone have like 300 Marble they would be willing to trade for 300 sulfur?

I need some more wine, can trade marble and/or crystal

K i’ll trade 300 marble for 300 sulphur

I just noticed I am attacking a guys main city, and his 2nd. Lol, nice job.