risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

archers are cheaper to send then swordsman or rams. They are even more expensive.

finding marble sucks, I’m just starting a marble colony now, wish I would have made it my first. I got lucky that the island right next door just opened up, and its got the marble wonder.

I’ve probably had only 2 pillages where I got more than one ship of goods back. I’ve been playing around with spies but didn’t know you could view building levels with them, that should help.

I find it very annoying that blockading ships take so much longer to get to a town than your troops. It makes planning a pillage very difficult.

Yeah the ships are really slow. I’m sure that paddle-wheel ship flies though!!!

hey are we letting in people from outside nyspeed into the lil grp we have going here?? i have someone on my island that wants in

I have no problem with that, although maybe we should set up some type of pay to get in. Since Carbon will need to upgrade every once in a while to let more people in its only fair he gets the goods.

we should kick out the super inactive people… like the ones with less than 1000 as their score!

I would, but tpgsr has been working on his. He’s still playing. I’m booting whoever took over brendansi’s account though.

I am still on “vacation” for another 2 days. Boot me and I’ll ban your ass. :smiley:

Still in, need any marble by chance I can’t seem to get rid of it fast enough.

Yeah, I’m actually ok on it for once. I’ve taken all workers out of my sulfur pit before when I was overloaded. Your gold will shoot up like nuts!!

edit: Actually nevermind, I’ll take some Fuzzy. Let me know if you need anything.

The only thing I need at this point is crystal, and lots of it. I have the other 3 tapped.

I’m sending you 1800 crystal.

I’m having a hard time getting the resources for a 5th colony. Every time I think I’m making good headway, I have to upgrade my level 14 town costing me 3000 marble!

Maybe I should stop trying to be efficient and just build up resources regardless if they max out? Or, stop worrying about capping out on my citizens so I can get a 5th colony set up for marble…

I can only imagine!

I’ve decided to stay put at 4 towns for awhile and just concentrate on them. I’m going to build a gigantic navy and pillage this one guy that pillaged one of my colonies when it first started. He’s part of an alliance too, so we’ll see what happens.

My military score is up at 135,234… and I have -733 gold right now.

EDIT: I was just looking at the top scores, and my army is #42 in the game! :slight_smile:

It doesnt really matter though, since I have found four or five places with no military allowing me to get $5000+ gold each pillage. I send a ship from each town to all four of them at once, getting $100k+ in a few hours :slight_smile:

well if carbon you want to let this guy in his town is @ 31:52 and name is hi there…i dont have fire fox so i cant see his #'s

and what im doing with my stuff is im going to try to get everything at a lv 14

Why dont you get firefox just to play the game? :slight_smile: SOOO worth it! I cant imagine playing it any other way…

his numbers:

Total Score: 3,007
Military Score: 14,562
Gold Score: 557,002 (7,352)

Fuck getting him into the alliance… pillage his ass for the gold with 6 ships! LOL

^^ i only play at work and can’t DL it here

LOL! I was thinking the same thing!

He has to do a search for our alliance and send me an application. I can’t do anything until I get it.

i am attacking people on my own islands now, because im sick of them not donating!

I’m taking all of their crap and donating to the islands myself with their shit!

I have sent spies to all of the low military places, and whats great is a lot of them have stock piles of resources and their militaries must be at another site! LOL