Rochester "peaceful" protest

Are you staying cuz you love Obama?[/QUOTE]I may highly dislike or even hate obama
[/QUOTE]IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT GTFO!! See how retarded that sounds?

You make it seem like protestors are just home grown terrorists hell bent on destroying the US. Did it ever occur to you that maybe some people are sick of their rights being stripped away and astronomical government spending on wars and bailouts? Gee, why would that make them upset?? Maybe because they worried about their home and the country they love. The US never made any forward progress by simply asking nicely.

Once again… since you hate Obama, why are you still here? I heard Mexico is nice this time of year.

P.S. - Not an Obama supporter, just pointing out the blatant hypocrisy in this fool.

You have the right of free speech as long as you’re not dumb enough to actually try it.
Know your rights. These are your rights.

Well said.

You can try and spin it any way you want. These people clearly hate EVERYTHING we currently stand for in the country and what it was founded on. They want socialism. If you took time to read up on the group you might have a better grasp on what they really stand for.

The difference between my dislike for a president and this groups dislike for our entire political system are quiet different.

Maybe these people would appreciate what we have in this country a bit better if they were forced to go live in the places where they have no freedom.

They are free to speak their minds, and tell others their view. You don’t have to listen if you don’t want to.

If the majority of the population decides one way or the other, then so be it… but that does not mean the other side can not have a difference of opinion.

Point noted.

I have an issue with malinformed citizens talking/voting for ideas/people they know little or nothing about. If they actually did the research and were knowledgable, that would be kosher in my book.

Anyway, I think we’ve beat this horse to death. Shall we move on?