ROFL The preacher of that Zion Temple joint on North Forest lives next to my parents

Well, I think the real question is:

Is this a church of Christianity, or are they completely missing the point of Christianity?

The Pastor of my parents church drives a 04’ or 05 caddy,this is a “poor” parish that is on the verge closing :wink:

arent churches funded by donations? Not by the pastors? :confused:

I haven’t been to church since I was like 5 (except for when I drove my grandma to church a few times) so I’m out of the loop on that ish

There are plenty of preechers that have good jobs outside of church.
As far as Christianity goes, it is not “completely” about material things so no, I don’t think he is “completely” missing the point.

Yeah…those are Catholics…I am not Catholic. The preacher at the church my parents go to is married, I went to school with his son. oh, and they are also not against the use of condoms.

Wow, they actually reference “the many late model luxury cars found in the parking lot during their services” right on their website.

Tax shelter?

Um yeah I wasn’t directly quoting you. I was saying a generalized statement. :bloated:

People will always alter religion at their convenience.