ROFL The preacher of that Zion Temple joint on North Forest lives next to my parents

ok…like what? the crusaides that happened houndreds of years ago? Yes that was bad, but you can not blame christianity now for something that had happened houndreds of years ago.

like ignoring that priests have been molesting kids for DECADES … or “fixing” those situations by shipping a preist to a different church where the parishoners dont know hes a pedo … thats like punishing a serial killerer in buffalo by relocating him to rochester … oh yea … definantly wont kill again

or maybe how they have done nothing to ACTUALY teach safe sex … teaching people NOT to use condoms is like teaching rock climbing w/o ropes … make a mistake and your DEAD

It’s not the “liberals” as an entire group. SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT “LIBERALS.”

Seriously, you “right wingers” all say the same shit, same as the “left wing nuts.” (goes both ways)

Not all “LIBERALS” have the same view points, just like all the “CONSERVATIVES” are not all racist hicks. This is COMMON SENSE!

Stop using that word like it’s a fucking disease, it’s not. I could just as easily group all you “right sided” guys in the KKK and have IQ’s like retards down the street. But I don’t. Seriously, I think you guys hold shrines of Rush sometimes.

UGH! I consider myself as a moderate leaning towards the liberal side. But do not group us all together. Not all of “us” group “you guys” as one sided.

This shit is out of control here, at work, every where. Maybe it’s because I had a few too many tonight, but I can’t listen too this crap. You guys are not political experts, with the exception of a few, which I will say seem to be on both ends of the politcal spectrum.

Just say “This is why I laugh at you… extremists left nut jobs,” or whetever.

I don’t know why I am “arguing” with “you,” I’m not I guess. I’m arguing with all you “I am so smart, I listen to Rush and hate Left Wingers” people and Vis a Versa (sp?).

I forgot how many political experts where on this CAR FORUM. Seriously you guys should apply for careers in this shit. WOW!


apparently you don’t venture into these types of threads often… people here seem to love jumping on that bandwagon

Do you realize that you said not all liberals are the same and tell him to STFU and then you say “all you right wingers say the same shit”?
That is pretty funny.:biglaugh::smash2:

wow, first of all religion is stoopid. you cant argue against that. j/k

but i think the point chris is trying to make is that if the preachers/pastors/dudes who talk at a podium are able to drive a jag/lexus/multiple luxury vehicles…then what they are “doing for the community” is hardly enough…considering you devote your life to the word of god and the helping of others.

why spend 80k on a jag for yourself when you can spend 1/5 that and use the rest to help your cause.

for that sole reason i will never give money to a church, regardless of the cause. i drive by some churches and am in awe of how extravagant they are…all for a place to go and celebrate your faith. for those who have faith and are religious, i am pretty sure your penance (wow spelling?) is counted regardless of how nice the stain glass windows ha0ppen to be of the building you are in.

sorry if this offends someone but i am pretty sure if you are so religious…that instead of reading a crutchfield catalogue on the shitter, if you just pray then, save ourself the gas and a trip to the overly luxurious church, god will still let you in, or krishna, confucious. edit as your beliefs see fit.


Wow, a whole lot of stereotyping up in hurr…

On topic: Somebody should burn “Matthew 19:24” into his front lawn. (“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”)

yes, when I said “most leaders of Large Evangelical Christian Churches” I was really being broad :bloated:

I think I was making an especially sweeping generalization about all christian organizations when I said “all those suckers who give money to that place every week…” :roll:

Bottom line, someone should post signs outside this guys house with the baby jesus crying while god is rollin in his H2 with 26" rims. That will get the point across.

Catholic preist take a vow of poverty, not all christians are catholic. Every denomination has it’s own rules on what it take to be a preist, in Catholocism it’s a degree in theology, can’
t remember if it’s a bs or ms, you can get a phd init also. So “churches” have “preist” who “studied” the bible and don’t know shit about what any of it means.
Anywho, thats one of the many resons i believe in God, but not in religion.

You were doing so good writing your posts in MS Word and then copying and pasting them into your post box; what happened?

“The Chapel” used to be located on North Forest but they needed a bigger church because they were running out of seats and room for all the people so they sold the building to “Zion Dominion”. Now “The Chapel” is located in Cross Point parkway off Millersport Hwy.

I don’t trust a church that doesn’t have a steeple.

I might have to borrow that one.:slight_smile:

I have read a lot of the posts but I can’t seem to find where this guy took a vow of poverty.

I know not all right wingers are the same. Im not saying he was (even though I typed it lol), Im just sick him saying lol at liberals as a whole.

Man I don’t feel like it. I drank too much. I get angry at the internet when Im drunk and don’t always type what goes threw my head. And apparantly I have a potty mouth.

My bad. I would delete it, but its quoted. O well. Handled in a PM.

Damn, JEG is on my side of the arguement, and I don’t want him to be… lol

look at your post man, you’re tangent-ing all over the place.

Well, I can’t seem to find where the members unanimously decided to buy this fellow a big home and nice vehicles.

I can’t believe I just read what I read on their website:

Click the “about” page. Jesus would not have talked to people who did not roll quadrigas, from my understanding at least. That’s not the brothers and sisters Jesus would have chilled with. :wink:

Corey, I just tried clicking on the link at work, but I got a message in the browser from the IT department that said:

“Gambling at work is not permitted. Your disregard for the rules has been documented.”


Oh, I didn’t realize they bought it or they had to unanimously voted on it.
You guys seem to know a lot about this guy, his church, and his money.
I know you wouldn’t just assume all of this.:wink:
If you are assuming I hope you’re never on my jury.
I don’t think a good lawyer would assume all of this.