ROFL The preacher of that Zion Temple joint on North Forest lives next to my parents

You can’t say most because do you know all of them?

No. Who are the ones you know or hear about? Probably all the ones on the news, which are mostly bad ones.

I’m not saying I know them all - but I do know a lot, personally and for every one preacher rollin’ around in his bentley, there are 1000 working their ass off for their corolla.

And to become a “priest” you have to go to school.

To be a Christian is to follow the bible’s rules and live by jesus’ example.

True on the asian part, but it’s not like you can’t find anything else to compare to in this situation. our government, for example.

Senior Pastor of the Chapel at Crosspoint, Jerry Gillis drives a Camry.

well this thread took a turn from the worst.

“hey, instead of laughing at one corrupt church, let’s stereotype.”

Was it a 2006 or a 2005? If it’s a 2006 the church is corrupt.

Looking at this guy’s inventory I want to start a church.

So to become a Christian priest, you only have to go to school?

stereotyping is funny because its true :stuck_out_tongue:

oh…so “the chapel” church is pretty well known in this forum as well?

so what happened to the old “the chapel” location? what is this zion?

Is the Zion Temple in Cross Point? If so, it’s quite huge.

lol - but that’s a far cry from a Bentley.

Well, I would assume that they believe in God… and are Christian.

I don’t know the cirriculum at all, but it’s kinda like a doctor :

You finish school and graduate and are an MD, what you do with it is up to you.

read: Scientology

read: the vatican

A significant portion do though. Depends on their congregation.

$$$$ is a religion.


However there are quite a few in the area that make a bit too much, and don’t do much at the same time. :-/

I still think it is funny how ignorant some people really are. First off, there are many differant kinds of christians. Secondly, look at all the good things that many churches do for their communities (food drives, clothing the poor, helping the homeless, helping the elderly) and yet many of you poeple can not see this and only think with your close minded brains. I especialy laugh at people like Joestypes, who constantly bash others for their beliefs, just because they don’t agree with his own. For a person who bitches about tolerance and acceptance, you are quite the hypocrite.

Good examples of VERY good public relations.

So it is just public relations and has nothing to do with them trying to help their fellow man? wow…this is why I laugh at liberals. No matter what somebody does, no matter how much good they do, you still find a way to make them look bad for it.

So, you think if we took pictures, and made a little pamphlet and printed them off and handed em to each of the people in the church on one sunday as they entered… there might be some good footage to record and post up online? :slight_smile:

Anyone else with me?

Ok example of how some churches are good. A few years ago my father had 3 simultanious strokes. he couldnt work, and we were so poor we were about to,lose our house. the church my parents belong to helped raise money to aid us in our time of need. they even cooked us dinner, and drove my mother to the hospital every day to see my dad. and you guys are going to tell me that these people are all a bunch of money grubbers? Many churches, especially the smaller ones, are like a family that not only look out for eachother, but help people in their community that are going through rough times. I just can’t understand how anybody can see this as a bad thing.

wny dont you look at all the BAD things the church has done?