Roger Clemens Hearing

McNamee probably won’t only because of his ‘cooperating’

dont drop the soap Roger

did i miss something?

Clemens wasn’t the only roid user on the yankees… there was a bunch.

i hate the yankees as much as the next guy and to think only the yankees are doing this is rediculous. not every team has big names and i would bet my house that there are 10 players from every mlb team doing hgh or roids

I agree 100%. Every team has players that are guilty. It is about time they actually get going and do something about it. Go after the big names and franchises. What kind of effect would it have if they went after anyone of the Royals?

John Rocker spoke up earlier in the week and it barely made any noise. He was from my fav team (Atlanta) and doesn’t matter one bit because he was a bum. He called out Selig for crying out loud!!

Point being that you need to start at the top and work your way down with this.

What if Mike Sweeny had done them, i bet nothing would be said. Everyone should be held responsible, no matter what team IMO.

it shouldn’t matter if they took steroids 10 years ago, the league didn’t care, why should they be in trouble?

cept bonds i hate him
he’s guilty lol

Because not caring 10 years ago led to the problem that the MLB has today. Of course Bonds is guilty, just like the rest of the league.

who cares? It’s only baseball. Why are my tax payer dollars being wasted on this crap?

it should matter. just because the league didnt care doesnt mean that it was legal.

Not much is being wasted on this compared to other things in congress. You need to get out more or something.