roller hockey

not really. we used to play with just 10 and did fine in the A leauge

please just play ice hockey

Dan needs more people to score on him

pssssttt… its friday night your on pittspeed and not drinking or playing hockey wtf are you doing?

i am drinking and playing wii

I’m ready for some Monday night Ice

i got an email today about it… starting up soon

cant wait for monday night hockey you are all getting wrecked this season bitches!

I got a whole season of ice under my belt now, I’m now not afraid to show up and have some fun at Harmarville. Then again, I mean, can I really be worse than Dan?



please dont make me skate in my goalie equipment and go around you…

hahahah I dunno man. I’m not real great in any specific area, but I can skate pretty damn fast dude.

Whatever, I’m looking forward to the opportunity to play some more, especially if its at Harmarville since that is about 5 min from my work. :love:

i play pickup games every now and then out in delmont. i always wanted to play more tho…we never get enough ppl or games


i dunno i tried ice and wasnt that good at it, guess thats probably why i think roller hockey is more fun than ice hockey, that and its probably a good bit cheaper lol

so whats the word on this?

i play pick up down at bladerunners when ever i get a chance.

roller hockey is alot slower than ice. more room to work since its 4 on 4. buit the biggest downfall is puck controll, those hard plastic pucks on a sport court bounce like a motherfucker. it is deffinately cheaper.

iv played roller since i was 10 in a buncha different leagues around here. our highschool league played at the neville. they are by far the nicest rinks around, or atleast were.

anywho. im deffinately game in playin some puck

I think Roller, in equal level leauges (C vs C, D vs D, etc…) is faster than ice because of the open space. I’ve played in both.

Ice is a lot of fun. I love hockey period. But, I would probably prefer to play roller just because it was my first love, before I learned to play ice.

We played out in Findlay Township (Imperial) at the rink by the skate park yesterday. Painted surface smooth enough for a puck but can still use outdoor wheels. Really good games going.

no way.

i think i might call off work next week bein that i got a ton of vac. days lol and try to go down RMU and see what there pick up games are like, how many ppl are usually there?

also Steveo27, you mentioned playin at blade runners… do you play roller or ice there cause i heard they play roller there to

Maybe not skating faster, but the play moves faster. At least, it feels that way to me. Maybe the larger area and more people of ice makes it just seem slower to me.