roller hockey

i think the reason that roller seems faster is the lack of off sides.

ya wats up wit that to?? god damn cherry pickers lol

welcome to roller hockey. cherry pickers and hacks.

thats why i went back to only ice

League I played in had off sides.

I don’t know what’s so hard about playing offsides in a roller hockey game. The game I played last week we didn’t play but the cherry picking was minimal.

tards cant start and stop, they have to looooooooooop

ive played both roller and ice pick up there.

they built a 3rd rink there. 2 ice and one sport court now

You can do a hockey stop on roller blades, just gotta know how :slight_smile:

i know

:smiley: alot of people cant though

Football> roller hockey

I can hockey stop better on blades than on ice. :eek:

Oh, and Sleeper, I have an if/then statement for you…

If Football>Roller Hockey then Sleeper is dumber than a rock.



peice of cake. its acuatally easier on blades :wink:

thats one thing i wish i could do. if i could hockey stop on roller blades, i feel i could really pick up my game

I rarely use it for me, to be honest. Because of the space in roller, I prefer to circle and keep my speed going instead of starting and stopping.

Edit - Here is a vid I found on youtube. Shows the basic idea behind a hockey stop on blades.

the trick is to be able to stop/turn on a dime and be able to pick right back up and go. trust me ive been playin half my life and ive done enough suicides to know the right way is to cut & go :eek4dance

and that video is a perfect example. cut, then the few quick side step strides to get your momentum up then turn and go


Yeah, which is the same idea as it is in ice, I’m not debating that. I’m simply saying that I don’t use a speed stop a whole bunch in roller because I prefer to circle to keep my speed. The only time I really use it is if I’m flying back on the defensive end to in front of the goal, just so I don’t run over my goalie.

Then again, if it was Burynd playing goal, I’d probably “forget” to stop :rofl:

