Roller Hockey

i’ve never played in a roller league that had off sides, nor were there even bluelines to call two line passes… if you guys do at bridgeville than good for you. you might stand a chance of having a game that somewhat resembles hockey.
no icing is lame.
roller pucks bounce more than basketballs.
its hot in the summer, screw that.
if a toe drag is your only move… you suck.
most roller players arent acustomed to any sort of contact and when two players bump into each other its always world war III. (gay)
generally far less skilled players in roller hockey. no or little possitioning, lots of hackers.
etc, etc, etc…

roller hockey hardly compares to ice as a sport. its more a recreational activity for a little excerize. if its your thing, then great. but to me, it doesnt really seem to be worth the hassle to follow a bouncing puck around, or the risk of getting my teeth knocked out by some retard swinging his stick around because he watch a penguin game or two and thought it might be cool to try playing hockey.

and in regard to the silver spoon comment. i guess i see where you’re coming from. it can get pretty expensive. i know when i played in highschool it cost about two thousand dollars a year(plus equipment, skate sharenings, whatever). I can easily see how not everyone’s parents are willing or able to shell out that kind of money… Plus the cost of equipment and whatever else.
However we had a ton of different fund raisers that you could elect to participate in or not. My dad and i agreed that he’d pay half if i raised the other half… seemed like a good deal to me. if its something you really wanted to do you probably could have done it.
plus entry level hockey equipment really isnt that expensive. barely more than your roller gear… i think it would probably be doable. if you want “nicer” stuff then get a job and pay for the more expensive stuff yourself.
like i said, its doable.