Rothlisfucker deal

First year he was 13-0 before playoffs.

He still finished the second game though correct? Even though the loss counted for Maddox

he isn’t worth anything


you are looking at the total amount, but that is over an 8 year period. i dont know Romos figures off-hand but i dont think he is making 67 over 8 years. its more like over 6yrs, which is about 10-some mil per year. ben is around 12 brady 13 and manning 14. these days, a top tier qb is gonna command over 10+

this is a ridiculous statement. a team doesnt sign a qb to a long term (5+) contract hoping that he’ll ‘even out’. they signed him to that contract for the opposite reason, because the recognise hes one of the best in the league and they want him to be our qb for years to come. NO team signs a player long-term if they think he is inconsistant etc. look at any professional athlete with a long deal. its only the better players in the league and its really not that common unless the team thinks the player is a huge part of their future.

:1320: :gives:

why do people still hate on kordell, everyone in this thread knows damn well they were riding his dick when he was the shit… he did take us to two afc championships and played a decent role into our SB 30 apperance.

with that said Big ben was a lot more affective when we still had the bus and randle el… although his numbers only showed him as a 3rd reciever, the threat of antwan on the field was enough to back the defense up. we all saw the ball he threw in the SB… he threw it on the run and a perfect spriral to heinz in stride… that was way better than any pass ben threw that year… ben clearly had some arm issue that season. i’ve noticed his deep balls have gotten better in the past year. i dont think we have the right runnig attack thou for ben… i like willie but although he was leading the league when he broke his leg did it really seem like he had that many yards? he didnt beat any teams up like bettis did… can you find another bus…no but i think we could find a closer replacement than willie.

i know ben wants a homerun threat but he’s yet to prove he can consitantly hit that pass. how many times have you seen brandshaw throw some bomb and the ball is almost comming stright down over someone shoulder in stride… ben cant do that. i think he needs to stick to his intermedite game and hit the fuckin tight end a lot more than we do. miller could be up there with gates and gonzalez… we just need to get him the damn ball. you need to maximize what you have instead of cry for what you dont have. you open up things we dont use as much like miller and the swing pass and that opens it up more for willie and maybe the need for a brusier RB. maybe willie is just fine, maybe we have a need more for a FB that can get 5-10 carries a game. how nice was to have a guy like john L back in the day…

give me a break…take brady’s overrated ass out and put ben in for NE’s QB…bet you he would be just as good if not better then brady. Ben and Manning are the top two. brady just has his team to carry him.

ya only bout 102 million more than that :tounge:

theres always one faggot in every thread that has to post that… why??

i dunno about all that, but Ben is def one of the top in the league

im just saying bens a better QB than what ppl give him credit for.put brady with what we have…at least ben can move and break away.

Brady can possibly move and break away too… we dont know that cause hes to big of a pussy… everytime someone touchs him he wraps his arms around the ball and goes down lol

Bens size and athletic ability let him do things alot of qbs cant do. would i say brady wouldnt be as sucessful as ben behind our line? no. i think Brady gets rid of the ball quicker, thinks quicker and makes better decisions. hes also more accurate but ben plays the way he plays and he makes it work. at the end of the day it equals out and ben is def not quite on a brady or manning level but not every team can have a record-breaking h.o.f. qb on their team. i think ben is right up there with the other top guys tho, without a doubt.

Ben is a far better QB than Romo or Palmer. He’s top 5 in the league, he deserves top 5 money.

and :rofl: @ people questioning the Rooney’s decision making. Since when have the Steelers not had a competitive team since Cowher came on? We’ve had a couple spotty season here and there, but never have the Steelers not had the talent to be a playoff caliber team.

Rooneys > your lives


Get off the internet. :smiley:

thats typical yinzer talk… you dont have to like brady but brady is damn good and has done good with several variations of the pats. brady while not as built as ben is still one tall motherfucker.
brady carries his team a lot more than they carry him. It does really help thou when you have a line that protects/holds like NE… lets not forget… brady was a 6th rounder and ben was a 1st… if you ask me…brady proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that was a steal… ben has played very well and very poor and still has yet to fully live up to a first rounder. i’m not sayin ben is bad but there still more to be desired with him because of his physical abilities… lets put it this way… ben has shown elway like escapability but has yet to throw like elway on a regular basis.

ben physically is way better than manning but manning is a offensive wizard. he knows what to do without the coaches… ben i believe is way behind the curve in doin that. he’s busy being a star QB… Ben seems to have two personas one in front of the cameras and one when the cameras are off. Some people say “ben always takes the blame, that shows hes a great leader” if you always take the blame no matter what what weight does sayin it hold? i say none. that rah rah stuff is a lil overated by the time they are in the NFL. by the time ur an adult male and a PROFESSIONAL football player you have a mid of ur own and be able to motivate urself.

How exactly do you “invest” in an offensive line in one year? What if the horses aren’t there? Should they just go out and sign a bunch of no names or someone they think can be a stop gap? Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Signing professional athletes to contracts is a game of Russian Roulette. If you wait another year, and he has another monster year next year, his price tag increases exponentially. Then again, if he has a terrible year, you might wait another year to sign him, then he has a big year going into free agency and decides to sign elsewhere for gigantic money. This was a preemptive strike by the Steelers to lock up a top flight QB for what is widely considered (at least from what I have read on and as a fair market value for his abilities.

And how do you know whether or not the Steelers included any sort of dangerous activities clauses in his contract? Maybe they did? But, then again you obviously must have read the contract before it went off to the NFLPA and NFL offices for approval, so I won’t dare challenge your thought.

lol :op:

lol this is true