Rothlisfucker deal

i have yet to talk to our new GM but talkin with dave littlefield and our team lawyer in the past… thats standard stuff in just about all sports contracts now-a-days. even more so in a star QB’s contract since so much money is invested in him.

Well, for starters you don’t let one of the few good horses you actually have go.

It’s definitely a gamble. However I don’t think any of the other big names mentioned as comparables have contracts up after this coming year and unless he had a some rediculous season this year (ala Manning and Brady TD record seasons) he could not realistically command money above what they are making.

Actually I believe they did include a clause directed toward at least some dangerous activities (as I heard mention without any real specifics). However unless the NFLPA has changed drastically the clause is much much milder than what I proposed (i.e., possibly forfeiting a portion of the signing bonus but still retaining past pay, along the lines of what Vick is on the hook to ATL).

It’s going to be interesting if any team ever decides to cut a contract for a breech that does NOT result in any injury.

For instance…Player A signs the contract for so many million, isn’t having a great season, and they catch him doing some activity forbidden in his contract, and cut him loose because of a breech. That would be awesome.

a lot of the big cases have involved motorcylces… ron gant, kellen winslow, lavar arrington, big ben… etc… then you always have the drug users like rickey… the stuff is pretty standard for baseball and football players… motorcyles, snow mobiles, drag racing, skiing… stuff like that… infact i was watching pinks all out i believe and there was a former detroit piston and he even said " i wasnt allowed to do this stuff when i played"

For all the people bitching they could always bring back bubby brister or cordell stewart.


ben is a good qb and with the right combo of what we call a LINE (that sucked last season) he is a “good player”

but without the line , NO qb is good , manning is incredible bc he has a great team to back him up and he could sit down in a lawn chair and eat a ham sandwich , get up and then throw the ball because his line “cares” and thats what makes a good team , IMHO we havnt been any good and ben dont help but im sure if he has a great line like the year we won the superbowl , then ben would be a great qb too, but at the same standpoint he is still a rookie and needs to be taught…i say give him a few years…

but till then , he sure as fuck aint worth no 100+ million

now on the other hand …brady and P. manning are incredible and so is there line and defense

& back in the kitchen BITH!!

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

lol you forgot something brian

:rofl:… see if he would have kept the spell checker i brought him he wouldnt have…:smiley:

c for cunt,i was being nice not calling u a BITCH!!!

fuck u!

Ben R = one very expensive

i fuckin love that

The man brought Pittsburgh its first superbowl win since the season of 1979 I’d say its a fair price.

Boo not paying Alan Faneca a fair sum, he’s only one of the best linemen we’ve ever had. (And my Faneca jersey is now useless)

really i thought it was the fact our defense shut down payton manning in indy in the playoffs… we really won the SB game itself without ben doin much other than standing there. i garentte if we won sb 30 no one wuld be saying 'well neil o’donnell brought us our first sb since 79…" i think we won the SB because the odds were gettin to all those AFC championship games we were bound to finally win. what if jake plummer doesnt go in the shitter in denver? i mean i’m not giving ben all the credit. ben was far from the whole team… he wasnt john elway from the 80’s. Ben had a team that was already Super bowl caliber. ben did what we needed him to do the year we won the SB but i wouldnt say he BROUGHT it home for us. In my eyes that implies some joe montana esque performance.

  1. I’ve read on a number of sites where teams have been extremely weary of Faneca and say that his play is significantly declining. Now there are always teams that will throw money at the old war horses to try and win, but the Steelers are never a team to do that. If they could have signed Faneca for 1 or 2 more years, my guess would be they would have, but he wanted a long term deal and at 31 or 32 years old maybe that was a smart decision to let him go.

  2. To say a team like Chicago, Miami, Carolina, NY Jets, Atlanta, or a couple of others wouldn’t have thrown a silly amount of money at him when he hit the market is silly of you to say at best, and fundamentally retarded at worst. As the cap goes up every year, the amount of money paid to top end players will increase as well.

  3. If you are going to toss around NFLPA guidelines on contracts, please show me where you are getting this “info”. Also, Vick was on the hook for paying back money because of breach of contract, nothing else.

What are you talking about? Manning had more completions made, and 100 more pass yards than Ben. The Colts still couldnt pull it off. I would hardly call allowing the Colts to have 290 Yards passing “shutting down Peyton Manning”.

B. Roethlisberger - 14 Completions, 24 attempts, 197 Yards and 2 TD’s
P. Manning - 22 Completions, 38 Attempts, 290 Yards and 1 TD.

I’m not trying to say it was all Bens playing that won us a superbowl, but youre crazy if you think he had nothing to do with it.

after what we seen in the superbowl, we all know that brady can’t breakaway

kept mannig out of the endzone and got to him when they needed two… compared to what he did to them early in the season…they shut him down

I think Karl Marx may have been a bit off. Instead of religion being the opiate of the masses maybe its sports. lol