Rothlisfucker deal

dan rooney is senile

thank you for that info, whats your point?

its ok…i can handle it :bigthumb:

ok BITCH:moon:

STFU n00b

this thread is full of people that don’t know anything about football.

I wouldn’t mind having the other Manning that just won the SB. Yes, Rothburger got a fair market deal…I am glad he’s staying with PGH…let’s just hope he doesn’t ride any more motorcycles!

ya, there are a few

I agree. We buy the tickets and watch the TV. We dump all that money in and it’s got to go somewhere. I just hope he realized that if he sucks up that much money that the rest of the quality players will leave when it’s contract time. That equals lots of sacks!

well if the players werent making 10mil+ a year then the tix wouldnt be so much and we wouldnt be paying $5 for a 20oz pop or $10 for a beer, so thats a bullshit statement. theres no real way to justify someone making that much, in comparison to what 95% of the world makes. they should be paid high, but its getting ridiculous.

but thats another topic, so i’ll just stop.

Being great at anything gets a person some sweet percs (perquisites).

They get free demos from dealerships too and probably a crapload of free stuff elsewhere. Obviously they can afford it but companies want people to see their products being used/consumed by famous and popular people.

We’d all like to be in their position, but alas, we suck again!

**And it’s not just about performance. His jersey was one of the most popular ones in the NFL for a while. Even hatred helps to keep someone popular. That’s just life.

It’s capitalism at it’s most vulgar (at least, as vulgar as it can be in America these days… little kids aren’t dying in coal mines and what not anymore).

If we all weren’t willing to pay so much for NLF merchandise, NFL television stations, NFL tickets, ect, players like Ben wouldn’t be bringing in millions of dollars…but, we ARE willing to pay.

If you have a problem with it, don’t give them your money. Or vote for a socialist.


whatever, im not gonna switch the topic, i’m just saying i agree they should be highly paid but its to the point where they are making so much money that a person couldnt spent anywhere close to that money, even if they tried. and the fact that they are making that much money and 90% of the regular ppl are lucky to even afford to go to the games, let alone spend $5 for a pop that normally costs $.85 and food costing way more than it should etc. you get the point.

but back to the original topic, relative to what players at his level are making, the deal puts him right where he should be.


I agree with you totally but… people do pay it. It’s supply and demand. If people pay and say thank you sir can I have another. They will jack the price untill it equals out. That stadium is packed every game and I own 3 Jerseys myself! I paid a fortune to see one game this year and my nose bled from the altitude… The sad part is I will probally do it again next year! That’s the problem and that’s why the high pay. We dish it out to them and they take it. No one holds a gun to your head and makes you pay $10 for a beer… The league was low paying in the 60’s and 70’s before it was so damn popular! Keep that in mind…That proves we created the beast not them.

business is business. What do you care how much Ben Roethlisberger makes? does it affect you in any way?

Back to the subject… I think it’s fair all things considered and he has proven his value. I only fear the cap issues. We need a O line and very little money to spend on one.

read the thread im not disagreeing with him making what he makes, im just pointing out that the cost of players is getting astronomical.

if you wanna talk in simple terms then what does it matter how Ben plays or what the steelers do, does it effect any of us in any way. dont take it out of context