Royal Purple - Tranny, Gears & Engine...

well I decided to pickup some Royal Purple products for some good last maintenance till I go for an engine swap in the summer for my s13.:cool:

I want to get the best out of my engine, efficiently fuel and powerwise so it lasts me till the summer which I know it will, with 148,000km on the KA so far. I bought 4 quarts of 5w30, & 75w90 Gear Oil for the diff…

since this is my first time replacing these fluids myself, I want to know if I’m missing anything? does Royal Purple offer something separate for the Manual Transmission or is it the same as the gear oil? gentleman couldn’t see anything for the manual transmission on the car manual.:rolleyes:

Appreciate the feedback, and sharing the knowledge :wink:

I have royal purple in my tranny…i cant remember what it was i used tho :frowning:

Edit: I remember now, i used their “synchromax” manual tranny fluid. It designed for manual trannys that use auto- tranny fluid or a lighter oil but ive had no problems with it. If not just use that same gear oil your using for your diff.


We use the Royal Purple Max Gear 75W90–it has helped with ths synchros


dont use automatic trans oil and you should be good