RSX dead at 85k

Word, let me know. PM me if you want my cell #. And it sounds like Wayne and I need to meet :slight_smile:

thats what you get for buying a honda…:lol


hope all works out well for ya dude…

Do you have an intake on that car or is it the stock air box? it sounds like it sucked in water for sure. I have seen many 4x4 motors suck in water, hydro lock or come damn close to locking up and bend rods like noodles.

next time press the clutch in and idle through the lake! lol NEVER hit puddles like that if you can avoid it. If the motor sucks water in to the cumbustion chamber, NEVER try to turn it over. remove the plugs and un plug the injectors and spark plug wires and crank it over to spit the water out.

reason being water does not compress, at all. if there is more water in the chamber than there is air space in the cyclinder at TDC with valves closed… water wont compress or escape, so the piston stops moving up and your cranks bends the rod enough to complete the rest of the rotation.

Yeah, there’s a CAI on it. Fuck my life

you can usually find K20s and K24’s on craigslist for $5-700. If the head is okay, throw it on a K24 bottom end and get a nice bump in torque.

damn I am good huh. I am going to go out on a limb here too… your 5’6", have an old playboy from 1998 under the matress, in 3rd grade you pee’d your pants and the teacher made you stand infront of the class while you waited for the janitor, and you have a crush on Betty back in highschool, she wouldnt talk to you and thought she was too cool for you… then many years later you cross paths one late night at a bar. You were both drunk and started making out, you reached down her pants and found out SHE HAD A PENIS. Now your gay, and drive a honda.

thank you, come again.

CAI’s :rofl

If you want the sound of an intake cut out the bottom of your airbox or slap a cone on the end of the stock intake pipeing


I put a cold air intake at the end of my cold air intake. Works good

SICK :thumbup

sucks to hear bro. hope everything works out for ya. damn puddles!

Whatd that get you… 20whp?

Short ram intake with cold air ducted to it is the way to go for performance and for swamp bogging. Hope all works out for ya. Sounds like a real shit situation.

Hm, Craigslist was a good call. Sent out a few e-mails in the last couple of minutes. The only problem is the fact they’re Long Island, Philly and NYC.

probably because that’s where all the stolen motors are…

if anyone asks, the stolen one is the one with the rod dangling out the side :rofl :rofl

i love u. :lol no homo.

The shop just called. $4,000 for the engine and labor. I was just reminded of the Hangover scene at the pool, “a receipt for EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS? I AM SO FUCKED.” I think I said the exact same thing, just with $3,200 added to the total.

I’m sure we can get that done for you ALOT cheaper. pm me if you are interested.

that better be a k20 superjdmtype-s/r son! 4g, damn.