rude people/work rant

sometimes it seems the biggest assholes make the best work stories,
For instance… A gentlemen comes into sears lookin at plasma tv’s and begins to ask me the usual questions pixels imputs blah blah, then he asks me what company we use for tv i tell him dish hd. oh i really like the picture do they have alot of channels. i tell him yes they do and they have a alot of sports packs that you could be interested in. He then proceeds to ask me if they have porn on demand or pay per view porn, im kinda taken back by this i tell him that the question he asked is innapporipate and to not do it again, then he asks me if they have good porn from europe and if it has a story line and if its qualifed as hardcore , im about to lose my mind at this point but i was polite and told him to please refrain from asking me questions of a perverse nature. So he stays on track for about all of 2 minutes…, Do you and youre wife watch porn he blerts out, now im really pissed he made it personal. I look square at him and then proceed to say that im grossly offended by his remarks and questions and that i would like him to leave the store, he says no , i get nice an close to him , sir if you do not leave the store i will call security an have you escorted out you can take your pick… cut to him turning right the fuck around and almost running out of the store, havent seen him back in there since…