It comes down to this. You are either paying the ticket or not paying the ticket. If you win, you dont pay and give the cop you felt was an asshole a big slap in his egos face. If you lose, you pay the fine which would have to do anyway if you didnt contest the ticket and piss the guy off for dragging him into court which is the last thing he want to do since he tried to threaten you into not doing it. I’d say you would win either way because this is about being harassed and not about the cash. Its like that picture of the stork eating the frog but the frog is choking his neck so he cant swallow him all the way. Your a military guy and a military cop. This guy pushed and you want to push back. Youve been trained to react like this. Dont be a pussy. Do your thing. Either way your gunna win because you going to raise this guys blood pressure and thats what you are really looking for since he did it to you. I am Dr. Phil and i’m out.