Runner flow question

I am blowing out intake manifold gaskets, so I am looking at this Hondata heat resistant gasket, because its made from a type of plastic. Not only will it help keep heat out of my intake manifold from the head, but chances are, it will never blow out:

I am kind of worried though, if you look at the shape of the ports on the gasket compared to the ports on the manifold, they are larger. This probably wouldn’t do much on a normal paper gasket, but this space is around 1/8" - 1/4". Assuming the head port is almost the same as the intake manifold port, do you think that this extra space would cause turbulance and therefore hurting the flow at all?

Another worry is pooling of gas and meth on the gasket itself, and possibly wearing it out over time. This may not be a problem since both gas and meth evaporate very quickly, and air will always be rushing by here.

I am looking for people smarter than me to respond, so if you don’t know, go play xbox :slight_smile:


Do you know how hard the plastic is? if you have to torque everything down really tight it might just squish the plastic down and spread it out. I hope they wouldnt make it where it leaves such a huge gap like that

Well, the gap is kind of the point, to be a barrier for heat.

I run this gasket on my RSX Type S.

The idea between this gasket is more space… and its plastic, these gaskets are traditionaly metal… which transfers heat from the head… to the manifold, thus creating higher IAT’s and more pressure.

THe gasket is reusable and I’ve never had a problem with it.

The sizes you are refering to wont be any problem, I’d only worry about this if you had your head ported to the runners. Anyways, better too large than too small.

just epoxy it together, no gasket. LOL.

Also, most people are totally missing the point of his thread.


I don’t know if larger is better than smaller here. I am thinking for an N/A setup, this would be bad, but probably Ok for boost, since its blowing from the runner right into the head. It all depends on how much the air can fuck up in that little spot, and if fluids will pool up there.

Sure it will cause some turbulence… how much, and how much of an impact it will be… I don’t want to do the math. I wouldn’t imagine very much, but I also know very little about your app.

How much is the part? And how much time to replace it? Based on those, I’d say its worth a try.

Its a $50 dollar gasket, vs. the $10 dollar stock paper gasket. I am not so certain I need the extra cooling since I spray a bunch of meth, so my intake temps are already low. I was pretty stoked on this gasket until I saw the poor port matching of it.

when i said that i didnt mean to get the manifold closer to the head. when i put on my triple metal gasket for my manifold it had ridges on both sides of it, when i torqued it down though the gasket obviously spread out some. What i was saying is when you torque it down will the plastic be soft enough to spread out more, to reduce the difference between the size of the manifold runner and the size of the gasket hole

That could be, but I doubt it, that design would lead to uneven sizing, if the gasket actually squished down to make the gap smaller.

Well, do you know the material it is made out of?

I don’t imagine it is a really exotic plastic.

IOW: Make one. More closely aligned with your mating surfaces.

A little more runner can’t hurt on the streets, and same for the heat seperation.

It will not cause pooling of gas and meth soo long as the engine is running.

The gap by nature will cause a small eddy.

Will you notice it? No, absolutely not. You probably have a boost leak on the car that would cause more of a power loss than this and the car still runs fine.

I am not sure what plastic they use, but they say:

made from special high temperature plastic

I am leaning at getting another “stock” gasket from the dealer, running that, and then if it blows out again, cuss a little bit, and look for another solution. Not that $50 is a big loss, but if it drops me a MPH or any ET at all, it would only make me mad that I had to pay to go slower.


Well, if that is true, that would be good news :slight_smile:

An engine can run pretty well with leaks, low compression etc. An internal combustion engine is a remarkable thing really.

If your engine was making 1200hp meaning it was finely tuned and you were measuring hp gains not by numbers but by hundreths of a second down the track or percentages. You might notice it.

The point here is that most of the stuff you do to a street car to gain those little amounts of HP don’t really matter. A heat barrier gasket is nice, but in the scheme of things, it won’t make or break you and you wont notice any different feel.

The largest measureable difference will come from turning up the brooooooost.

that little bit of turb will NOT cause you to lose time or ET in the 1/4.

Thats all I am concerned about, I could care less about HP numbers, they are meaningless to me. I do know first hand the benefits of port matching everything under the hood, but who is to say that the intake manifold and the head are port matched from the factory anyways, they probably aren’t.

Not much more room for me to do that, now I have to dial in the other parts of the car :pedo:

Spend the $50 with reliability in mind. I sincerely doubt you will see any difference in performance, other then fewer IM leaks. Track or otherwise.

I’ll order it up and let you guys know what I find.