Here is my plan, let me know how to in prove it:
Install a RCA out vid card on my home PC
Run the RCA inputs to my t.v
Use the t.v remote to switch the input to view Outlook
use Outlook to check all of the email, and program the calendar.
I have svideo out on my video card that goes to my TV and can put anything on the screen I want. I suggest doing it only on a HDTV tho. General TVs are sometimes hard to read text on the screen.
VGA Splitters will just give you two monitors with the same output, not two independent ones AFAIK.
Are you looking to go back and forth between real tv input and your computer or do you already have everything running from your computer.
If you have a standard cable or satellite box running on say RCA input 1 and then you want your computer running on RCA 2, when you want to check your email you just switch to RCA 2 and you can see your computer screen.
All this to check email? Just get a blackberry or treo
I have an i760, and that is part of the reason why I want to do it. I can sync to my pc and download my work meeting so my wife can view it and I can view her meetings and family stuff.
I will have to check when I get home, but I might get a new one…
I check my email on my wii when im down stairs in my house, or I will go to my laptop 5 feet away. Anyway, wii internet is pretty cool that is all I wanted to say.