Got a call while at work today: some Russian woman visiting Strong backed out of her parking slot wide and nailed my car (which was parked in the “doctors only” area, as if that mattered). Her slot was on the other side of the aisle from mine and she must have been hitting the gas pretty hard backing out. She nailed two other cars - the rear bumpers of an X3 and an Outback - as well as mine.
Right now it seems like it scraped the heck out of my bumper down into the plastic (her whole driver’s side is trashed, btw). Now I’ll have to see if she even has valid insurance - I’ve never heard of the company. I just hope I don’t have to wait for parts from Australia again.
Cross-posting alot 'cause I’m pissed. Will post pics later when I’m done at work.
My car (not so bad, but will need refinishing at least) The spot under the taillight was pushed in, so I don’t know how much of the underneath structure/impact bar was affected.