Rust Repair body shops

I wasnt referring to you dude, more the bickering with that one guy. Your posts were informative, as were your pm’s and Ill contact Eric once the salt clears up and the cars on the road.

cool thanks man. I just get alot of flak about giveing more than a single shit about automotive stuff and I just wondered if it was worth it here or not.


If you are referring to me then I cant help it if you dont get it…Like I said opinions are like asshole everybody has one and some stink…Krazy and I were having an difference of opinions and now after talking to him I understand more now about the proper patch proceedure of a rusted panel…So I learned something…(and that is the key) some people go through life just voicing there opinions right or wrong and learn nothing and annoying the living hell out of people with there ignorance…Then there are the people that just complain all day about what this guy or that guy are doing and waste more time worrying about the other guy that they are a non productive piece of shit… If your not learning something every day for the rest of your life you are just wasting the valuable air the the productive people breath…So now that we got that all striaght have a good day and try and learn something…Here s one for you it take all kind of different people to make the world go round… Or Judge not less ye be judged…That one I would take heed to its in the Bible and Jesus is the one that warned it…Bill

I agree bill. Its all about knowledge. Nobody is ever right on anything, body work in this example is not set in stone by stretch of the imagination so there isnt a wrong or right, there is just a “beter” than the next way to do things.

Learn something new every day! A-FUCKING-MEN! I live by that. No matter how small the skill or piece of knowledge may be, if its something you have that you didnt the day prior your that much better. Actually having that mentality seems to rub people the wrong way; I catch heat all the time for being a “know it all” and sharing it. I dont know everything, I never have and never will claim that… but I do know an awful lot, and I have done an awful lot to back it up. I was 6 years old or something when I took my fishing reel apart camping, had tiny pieces all over the picnic table… my dad didnt yell at me he watched as I put it back together and it worked. How many of you people could go grab a reel and take it apart and have it work again right now, or how many have? My point is, dont fault people like me and Bill who ‘do shit’ and dont just sit on our ass watching tv every day. Knowledge is power, experience is wisdom… I want to be buried a wise and smart old man.