s13 blacktop red line

anyone can tell me what’s the red line of the s13 blacktop. thanks!

Should be the same as the red top. For all S13 SR20DET motors I believe
it is 7500rpm.

Fuel cut is 7800 rpm. Very dangerous if your boosting.

The last blacktop car I was in didn’t have a revlimiter on it and the tach
bounced right off the “Push Reset” Knob. Which is ~9000rpm Stock ECU.

does anyone here have a blacktop engine? so we can dyno it?

Why would we dyno a blacktop for no reason?

You can dyno my redtop if you want to pay for it! :smiley:

so we can figure out what the redline is of the blacktop. Thats how your “suppose” to manage your engine, once you install a new one, you dyno it, to figure out the redline so you know when to shift in order to lose the least amount of power when racing.

The shift point on the SR before you loose power is 6800rpm.

Shift point and redline are 2 very different things.

Who has ever dyno’d there car to redline?

I work at Neetronics a Dyno/Tuning shop and none of that goes on.

We shift where the engine’s power starts to drop off…

When we tuned Quincy’s Blacktop it Dropped off at 6800RPM.

But again that changes with mods. e.g. Intake, Exhaust, IC etc.

Ricers like to bounce off the rev-limiter. They all do it in dude-bridge.

Shifting at redline is hype y0!

But really just look at a dyno of a stock SR20 and you can see from that where to shift. You can calculate the optimum shift points by knowing peak
torque and hp too.

ya exactly, and peak is usually shift point, which is redline. Im not 100% on this one, maybe Shift can back me up(since hes the dyno man) redline is the factory rev limit, since no more power can be produced after that amount of RMP’s. So the redline is only useful if you have no mods whatsoever on your engine, and since anything such as a greddy downpipe or exaust(on most swapped SR engines) are considers a mod, you might wanna dyno your car to figure out your new redline. Once again, im not 100% on this one, so you should find out from Shift_Sr20DET to confirm.

Revlimit is factory set to x RPM that engine can “Max” out at safely.

Redline is a differn’t story, Redline is the Red Section on the Tach Stating “Dadnger”

eg. Factory SR Revlimit is set to 7400rpm Redline starts at 7000rpm and
the peak shift point on a Stock SR is 6800rpm before you loose power.

Anything else?

suppose you dont know the peak shift point, what would you suggest?

Why shift right at power peak? That makes no sense. Usually, it’s best to go to red line because of the way gearing works. Depends on your torque curve of course.

You really won’t know when you should shift unless you do a dyno run through all the gears to see the actual torque your wheels are producing in every gear (ie, you wouldn’t correct for gears.)