Hey guys I dont know if this is the part I need but my mechanic says it is…my digital spedo is not turning on and the same with my HUD…he said I need a spedo sensor…so if any of one I am looking…I dont know if it matters but its a SOHC KA Coupe…
does your trip and odometer still work?
speed sensor wouldnt affect it.
i guarantee if you put in an analog cluster it would work with your current speed sensor.
the problem could be a shorted/broken capacitor on the cluster itself…
read this for more info:
I honestly dont know!..I only drove it for about a day and took it off the road. It was turning on and off before…I thought it was just the cold weather, because I bought the car in the winter. All the lights work expect for the clock…that never worked. All the guages work, just expect the digital spedo…
Thanks alot spd-dmn i’ll read up on that! Thats exactly whats happening with my car!
yeah well the thing is if all 3 your speed, odometer and trip dont work, its probably your speed sensor, if just your speedo isnt working, youve burned something out as stated above.
Too bad you dont know… can you put it back it and check?