s13 need help how to do a rb25 swap

okkk u know what this site was always wack fackin haters…and im selling my skyline, and i want something that was more fun to me…just leave it to that,fuk this

Although i dont disagree with all that rb_killer is saying about how people like to make other people feel rediculous i will also agree that he should know alot more about what he’s doing before he thinks about doing it.

That being said i did a quick google search and found a helpful RB into s13 installation instructions. Enjoy and i hope that the finished product, whatever it may be, is what you want.


The “McKinney Motorsports engine and transmission mounts” and anything that says McKinney is bought from a company that produces all the needed parts to put engines like this into your car. Unless you can modify, weld, think logically then you can do this yourself. McKinney made this easy with their kits.

Located here: http://mckinneymotorsports.com/

Good Luck rb_killer

ur selling ur skyline for something a little more fun? i dont really understand why u want an RB in a 240sx then. a skyline would be more fun than a 240 with an RB in it.

in all seriousness…with the way u express yourself how old are you?

and could u send me a link to ur FS thread for ur skyline? or some pictures. my friend is looking for one and would be highly interested

Good Post.

To the rest of you clowns:

  1. Only one person needs to reply asking a new person to search google.
    i. Maybe that one person should provide at least one good result.

  2. You don’t know a posters background. IE, they could very well be trade professionals and skilled at car modifications.
    i. Trade workers do not spend 8 hrs a day behind a computer. What do you expect in a post? Print worthy english?
    ii. Look at what some “respected” people on SON do to their cars. 3 bolts to hold down a driver seat… I bet half of the guys who make posts like this would never consider installing a seat with only 3 bolts. Don’t give me that washer arguement, that’s bullshit and you know it.

  3. It’s generally accepted that anyone with the notion to post on this forum is a car enthusiast, just like you. Don’t forget your roots and our common ground; if you met this guy in public, you’d be as nice to him as any other car enthusiast.

What happened to community? (rhetorical question)

Anyways, I don’t exect this will make waves of reform inside this club or open the eyes of “would be” members/participants. All I ask is that we show everyone more respect and less hostility. (This goes to myself included)

It’s members like Rich that still leave me with hope for this club yet.

So, in conclusion, if you have nothing constructive to say, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF and DON’T POST.

You just like him cause he has a coupe, Mike.

You just like him cause he has a coupe, Mike.


Mike sold out for a Hatch. :squint:

Ya, mike (spd-dmn) is a two-faced liar.
The guy says he’s a coupe lover but then goes and buys a hatch for a little fun on the side.
That’s cheating mike. Liars cheat.
Mike is a liar.

still waiting for a link to ur skyline FS thread, and possibly pictures too, or the low down on km’s condition etc



Ah well, guess they all can’t be true believers.

Just let him go, he’ll be back… …right? :frowning:

Coupes are for chickens.

The chicken first hatches, then when it matures it gets to have a coupe


whats the wieght difference between a gtr and a base s13? The gtr is 4wd so it must wiegh more than 100lbs than an s13. mabey he wants it because he thinks rwd is more fun than 4wd?

gtst weighs about 2900lbs, s13 weighs about 2800.

gtr weighs anywhere from (depending on amount of gas) 3300-3500lbs.

if you are serious about the rb swap, send me a private mesage about the rb swap , i have an rb26 in my car and ill fill u in on whats involved, also i have extra rb swap stuff f.s.
