S14 blacktop Sr to S13 chassis, wiring

Anyone want to help a son’ling out?

I have a S14 blacktop Sr w. VVT and its going into my '92 hatch. I have sourced out a wiring company to do it for me but it takes 4 WEEKS. I thought that was kinda long, maybe not?

Anyways I’m inquiring any help from anyone who has done this before, I’m offering money and food. I live in Peterborough although i have a facility in Oshawa that can accommodate us. Anytime during the week is fine, but weekends are best.

If i cant find anyone that can help by Friday i guess ill have to ship it off.



maybe buy that 20$ dvd that teaches u how to do it?

also if some one is gonna do urs let me know, i would love to watch it be done. it would help me towards my knowledge about swaps.

Hey Derek, sorry can’t help you.

But it sounds like the project is getting good, please make a progress thread with pictures please!


i haven’t done much except paint the engine bay and pick the motor up, engine should be in within 2 weeks, then ill make some kind of thread…

anyone know someone who has done this and might be able to help me…