S14 Blacktop Vacuum Hosing HELP!!!

ok. i ve decided to rearrange the vacuum lines on my car cuz i want my boost gauge can read the negative…
can some on shoot a photo for me and tell me what is the CORRECT way to match up those shit

i ve seen some post on NICO regarding the same problem.
however, they way they connect is totally different than mine.
and also, i dont know why they did not install the boost pressure sensor on my car, and the hose is capped.
i will upload some pics so u guys can see what i m talking aboutt

thanks in advance

how the hell do i upload…god
here is the post i was talking about.
on my car,
#4 is hooked up with the bov
#2 &#3 are blocked in the end…
and i dunno where the hell is #1 hooking with
so, which port should i use for boost gauge since i cant read the vacuum from hotpipe…