S14 Carbon Fiber Interior

i gave it a few days… but seriously… what the fuck man.

Japan is one of the most expensive places on EARTH to live.

Two of the top ten most expensive cities on earth to live in are in Japan… Japan has real estate prices that would make people laugh hysterically at buying a penthouse condo in the toronto core at $2000 a month… you cant even rent a fucking 2 bed flat in Japan for that…

so imagine what is costs to RUN A SHOP!!!

where the hell is Innisfil on that list?

it wouldn’t be on the top 1,000,000 cities in the world as far as expenses.

it’s especially cheap when you work from home.

Yeah… it really doesnt make sense how a $3500 job at your place would cost $9000 in Japan… totally boggles my mind.