S14 Carbon Fiber Interior

bas dont get pissy with me, shit man

im not trying to bust your ass, i belive you that its dangerous. i just made the point that i dont the kind of collision that would turn interior into shrapnel happens often, once in a blue moon

Why the hell are there so many ricers on SON? =\

its not just son mark, eveyr nissan forum has em

the question should be, why are there ricers? period

because companies want to make money, not forward the market maturity… So they sell and promote crap POS chinese made knockoffs or bottom of the barrel parts from where ever else in the world as 'great products - just like JDM ’ thing is most japanese hate the chinese and would never buy from them if they had a gun to their head to do so. ( not including Taiwan apparently). I digress…

Cheap parts are the norm, not the exception like they should be at this stage of the communities age… In Japan by this time, the top tuners were already in production and pumping out top shelf street/drift/track cars for customers all over Japan/ Here you’d be lucky to find 1 in 100 ( or more) that have custom work done at a top level.

Now it’s ‘baller’ to have a low end ’ supa-kun’ cars running round ‘looking’ like they are top shelf. There is zero push or pressure from the community to move forward and grow/mature as a sub group of ’ car culture '. This is one reason why other sub groups look on the Japanese cars with such animosity and distaste. "It’s stagnant and full of low class bumkins. " As was quoted to me by one of my Classic British car club customers…

thats becuase not many people have the loot to make a top end car.

so the cheap parts are put on a “topshelf level” to make them seem more worth buying.

its all in the marketing.

and keep in mind you dont have to call people names to get your point across.

dont be so abrasive, people will accept your opinion much better.


I’m putting blue lugnuts on my car :slight_smile:

i have red ones :stuck_out_tongue:

except for the quote, which was a contextual point, I don’t think I called anyone names…

and yes it is all marketing, I find interesting that in japan and other places in the world, the cost of living vs. wages is much higher then here… yet ‘they’, the tuners, don’t seem to find it an issue to spend 75% of their net wages on their cars… Attitudes and the environment here, in north america are to blame mostly… the real tuner craze for small cars started way back, even before I got into tuning in early 80’s with the small datsun and toyota pickups… but it wasn’t until the civic and the ‘cheapness’ of the car to buy, hack up and replace, came about that the ‘sport compact ’ industry took off. That ‘cheapness’ and continued cheap and uncaring attitude is now the most pervasive description of the sport compact scene; ’ rice/ricer’.

^^^^ i agree with everything your saying, but dont forget, the cost of what we deem to be a ‘baller’ part in japan, is a lot less

i think that adds to the point that they have no problem buying top end parts

And we have no problem buying cheap shitty parts.

not really, what I charge $3500 for here… is ~ $7500-$9K in japan… ( estimate given to me by a someone in the japanese aftermarket industry )

im talking parts price tho, not labour

you cant compare the price of one shops labour to another because there skills will vary

with your shop and this one on japan you were talking about, you could be comparing apples and oranges for all we know

… This is based on setups I’ve made… the pricing I gave was for what is considered normal or average over there… which is, as stated by the same person, much better then the ‘average’ Japanese built products. EG: this is what he’s telling me I could charge and get in japan for the same work… Parts, the normal parts there, or the high end here… are almost on par , possibly a 8-15% difference depending on importer and warehouse… ( JRP is probably the highest margin I’ve ever heard of anywhere so they are not part of ‘the norm’.). Markup in japan is 15% 99% of time.

you make a good arguement and seem to know your stuff on this topic

i yeild to you good sir

Fuck man, BAS your posts make me sick. I can’t believe anyone listens to you or lets you work on their car.

as much as you hate on me for unknown reasons.
I love your comments , even when they are directed at me…
your barely on the forum but your always sending out zingers…

this is going to drama anytime now

i dont own a shop and have never lived in japan, so i have no more say in this topic

to the guy who originally posted, if you wnat these peices, its your car, so i say go for it

LOL… wake me up when you grow a set, your baseless and spineless verbal attacks are boring…




I dont even know applesauce or BAS
I just find applesauce’s comments funny
and BAS threatened me to kick my ass and talk badly about me on the forum.


You took a simple thread about carbon fiber trim pieces and turned it into one where you’re jerking yourself off and talking about what some flake in Japan told you.

The ONLY reason you post on this site is to try and bring in business. You’re embarrassing.