Safe? or not so safe?

…not sure if this is considered technical…

but what are your feelings on having the harnesses on the strut bar like this rather than an actual harness bar

doesnt seem like too bad of an idea to me, but im no engineer.

on a side not, when i had a Z, i did that whole ricey red vinyl thing and it was disgusting and i never regretted something more then that. I think that guy is a ricer and should just spend a couple hundred on a harness bar

thats the NSRZ32 car…hes on the board here…and would PWN any car you’ll ever own :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: but yes the red looks dumb as hell

I’ve never understood the desire to have a 5 point in a car without a cage. You roll that thing and your neck gets to support 4000 lbs of car.

The exception would be autocross where you have lots of lateral G, but very low risk of rollover.

i’d need to see the design of the strut tower bar. If it uses spherical endlinks, those really aren’t designed to handle side loading, mostly axial…

something like the top one maybe? instead of one of those adjustable ones

Strut tower bolts are usually kinda small, not idea for shear.

1/2" bolts are usually used for harness mounts (yes very oversized). Strut bolts are like 1/4" in diameter at most, so less than 1/4 of the area of the intended use…

That’s not nearly as bad as an endlink. Also, I seem to remember reading somewhere that the decceleration felt in a standard street accident were on the order of about 75G’s. On a 200lb human, that’s 15,000 lbs.

The shear strength of 2 lower grade M10 bolts is about 8,280lbs X 2 = 16560… so you would be “safe”… but not really…

also, the those bolts are not in pure shear, you have a small moment arm acting on the bolt, adding some tensile stress. I’d need to see some geometry to determine what the forces actually were… but it’s pushing it.

its sexy how technical you get when you’re concerned for my safety


ok cool, you got me there. but with all that money put into the car, why not just add a harness bar

are you sure that harnass bar is being used as an anchor point and not just a pivot point for the straps to keep them from haning too low?

also a possibility, however, if they are anchored directly below the bar, then up and over, the forces are the same, decreasing on a sinusoidal curve as you move further towards the vehicles rear.

well DUH, everybody knows that… geezsh

I am pretty sure the car is getting caged this year. The strut tower bar is less than ideal for safety for all of the abover reasons but sometimes you work with what you have.