harness bar?

is there a bolt in harness bar to secure shoulder straps to for an S14

huh? post a link to this “harness bar”

I would assume the harness bar utilizes the same bolt holes as the shoulder piece of the 3 point seatbelt. use a longer bolt and put the harness bar under neath the seatbelt part.

i think hes asking if there is a harness bar availible for what he is asking.

i was think for one too since i want to add racing harness…
this is all i found, but is too $$$$ for my taste…

i thought its not safe to just run the harness bar, don’t you need like a roll bar/cage i.e the autopower ones?

I was gonna ask him where he planned on putting his head when he rolled over, other than somewhere in the middle of his chest… But I thought I’d wait it out and see if someone else said it first…

Where exactly do you plan on putting your head, when you roll your car? There’s a reason street cars don’t have 4-point harnesses.

the autopower roll bar is a better choice eh?

Looks like it at least has a hoop for the driver, but what do you plan on doing for your passenger? If you’re gonna put in 4-points, get a half cage at minimum.

A harness bar is gonna make your back seat useless anyway, may as well put a decent half cage in. You could probably keep your back seats too, if you were willing to do some custom work, and you wanted it to be as subtle as possible…

No it has a loop for the passenger, its just the driver mounted it wrong, its supposed to go on the long horizontal bar. And isnt that a half cage?

And I don’t think I would trust passengers in the back, well thats just me.

Anyways, wasn’t really planning on doing one, just trying to learn :slight_smile:
What would insurance/cops say about it anyways?

Well like I said, your back seat is essentially useless, both from a safety stand point and from a practical one, how are people supposed to get into the back seat, when the space they had to crawl through before just got cut in half?

Actually, looking at it, yes it is a half cage. it has a full hoop, that’s just a crossmember for strength. The rear bars are there too.

yes… something like that is what I’m searching for

custom fabbed…

M2W 519 653-6086

bolts provided

Cages are 100% street legal if their of proper build and you can prove it. And once proved that it is of proper build the MTO will legally safety the car with the Cage in it and then a cop cannot do a damn thing thing. When I say “proper build” that does not man a Cusco Cage since they wont pass.

Theirs a bit more too it thou, but a properly built Cage is indeed Street Legal. As for Insurance… have fun, and the only way around them not covering the Cage is to have the Car appraised “because then tech, the Cage becomes part of the car” and then the Car is insured on its valve, thou you tech just pay an increased premium to be legally aloud the Cage.

As far as a Harness Bar goes… Not Legal. Its either a Cage or you weld in plates to the floor “top and bottom” and then attach the harness to the plates. Reason for the plates top/bottom is to sandwitch to floor which ensure the harness cannot be ripped outta the floor since it would have to also rip throu two 3/16’’ plates + the floor.

Lastely… Harness Angles need to be 100% to spec based on the Seat/Shoulder height of the driver… if their on the round angle and you got into an accident, it could cause your spine to compress resulting in one of many things…