Salvia Divinorum ?


me and my friend bobby like 2 summers ago decided we were gonna buy a huge bag of this really potent salvia and smoke it. not following anyones recomendations of just taking like 1 hit every 15 min or so, we bought a $75 bag from Pavillion on transit road, and a pipe. we then proceeded to smoke the WHOLE bag in about 5 minutes.

We got out of my car, stood there for a min looking at each other like “hey man startin to feel as fucked up as me or what”… my girlfriend at the time was still sitting in the car. so after like 2-3 min, nothing too crazy happening, we lit smokes and then BOOM it hit us.

I FREAKED out, looked at my friend, my MIND was thinking OMFG hes a cop, but when I looked at him he looked like some sort of fucked up alien or some shit… to make it worse, he was starting to trip FACE too and started looking scared as fuck. I FREAKED. got back in my car fast as fuck, and peeled off… leaving my tripping partner there, alone in the pavillion parking lot tripping fucking face as well. my girlfriend was crying which just freaked me out more so i just kept going… it honest to god took a good 15 minutes for me to come down from that, realized wtf i did and went back to find my friend just sitting there looking lost as fuck, no clue what just happened.

NEVER smoked that shit again, but I would DEFINITLY do it.