Salvia Divinorum ?

Minus breaking a vase from falling this shit is crazy. You get moved to an alternate reality and can be quite varied depending on how much you take. There are also different concentrations of it, and those can cause different reactions.

It is something different to try once, but after that…

I had one of my employees call me when i was on it, and i tried to answer the phone… no good. It felt like every time i tried to pick it up, it was glued to the table, and i was pulling the whole wall toward me. Just imagine believing what you are seeing, and an entire brick wall is moving at your will. Weird!

I need to start selling this shit to kids haha


WHen I tried it, I saw a picture get off the wall and walk away…

The short time period is enticing…back when I used to dabble seriously I always hated acid b/c it would last wayyyyy too long…Mushrooms were better but visuals were rare and I could only ever get really solid visuals in super dark rooms.

Might have to check this shit out, I haven’t lost my mind in a while.

Anyone on here who can really compare it to more serious hallucinogens?

Do your research first. Just going to the store and buying the concentrated crap wont do shit…

really? That’s gay…

Gotta get the right crap. I ordered it from a guy who has dedicated himself to growing the shit (creepy, I know). It was fairly cheap, and was fucking wild

Ill try to find the site…

The store bought stuff is exspensive and really not worth it. It comes nowhere near shrooms and I can’t say first hand how it compares to acid but I would assume once again it comes nowhere close. This shit gave me really bad tunnel vision and tastes like assholes.

paranoia(if u get it) is similar to that of raw shrooms when peak intensity is just abouyt to set in.

otherwise it blows/tastes like shit and isnt worth the distaste.

straigh tcannabis please

there is no comparison to real hallucinogens.

If you want to see shit for 8 hours drop acid
If you want to veg take shrooms :slight_smile:

Hmm, I would have to disagree.

I believe what I had was 20x concentrated extract, purchased from an online store. As far as comparing it to other psychedelics, it is by far the most intense experience I have ever had. PERIOD.

I was doubtful it would work at all, thinking it was more like the novelty items u see advertised in High Times Magazine. Some friends said they had heard about it on Bubba the Love Sponge (idk, never listened to it), and ordered 3 grams online. They both took a hit and started giggling like never before. Looked like fun, so i said fuck it, and gave it a rip.

Within seconds, it was like i was watching tv, like an out of body experience where i could see myself. Then it was as if i could see 1000’s of realities, all happening simultaneously. I felt as if I would be there for ever.

After the visuals started to subside, i found myself sitting back in my chair, but with little to no recollection of smoking anything, and absolutely no understanding of wtf had just happened.

My friends told me that i stood up and just started walking straight ahead, like i was in a trance, and wouldnt respond to anything they said. Then just sat back down in my chair again.

Later we figured out why they had not had the same effect. Im not a big guy (about 150), and both of my friends are bigger. A few nights later they both took a couple hits and held it in for as long as they could. Both described different, yet similar alternate reality experiences.

Personally, this stuff scared me. And i am definitelty not a stranger to psychedelics.

Edit: Someone I know who has taken all kinds of crazy shit equates it to DMT, and also said it is by far the most intense trip, period.

Also there is a full write-up about salvia on

I would get extremely paranoid when I mixed shrooms w/ weed. I don’t get all that paranoid when just smoking, unless I smoke a lot then I get “everyone looking at me” paranoid :meh:

so whens the nyspeed smokes salvia meet? im def in we can all smoke and go tear up the streets of wny! yeah!!! wooooo!!!

2 big :tup: to erowid awsome site super informative. guru is right on the money. i have seen so many ppl freak the fuck out on this shit. but they loved it, as far as my experiences i haven’t seen visuals on it but after 2 good rips i felt like my arms and legs were made of lead and fell asleep and saw some crazy circus

Yeah erowid is the shit.

Uhhh what?

i would like to try this, im not big on hallucinogens, i shroomed a few times and had a great time, cant smoke weed around too many unfamiliar people cause i get ubher paranoid (fine when im with my close friends)

anywhere locally to pick it up?

just smoke buds… salvia is overhyped

Edit: and take shrooms, they are also better

Reflections on Hertel

I agree

still legal as of 2008?