Sammy Van-Halen?

103.3 The Fox


This guy needs someone to tell him what year it is.


103.3 the fox!! HAHAHA someone call marty mcfly hes stuck back in time!

So, weā€™ve made his site now.

What Others have to say:





The interesting thing is this guy has single handedly become ā€œfamousā€ just by acting the part.

bwaha ha ha haā€¦so iā€™m driving home tonight in the mustang. I get off the GI beaver island exit at about 9:45pm, and happen to glance over at Burger King and see a red t/a in the lot, with some guy standing next to itā€¦by his self.

i looked at my wife and saidā€¦i wonder if thats sammyā€¦she said i dunnoā€¦i knew i wouldnā€™t rest if i didnā€™t turn around to go take a closer look. so i did. and sure as hell, there is the SVH t/a, parked by itself in the BK lot, hatch, hood and both doors wide openā€¦the music was pumpin, and sammy was rockin out!! i almost freakin died it was so funny.

The best part, was as i drove past him, and he stopped dead in his tracks and stared my way with the biggest, silliest, yet creepy smile on his face.

I wanted to stop, say whats up, get a picture and an autograph, then perhaps invite him to a meetā€¦but the wife was too creeped out, and wouldnt let me. fuckā€¦it was pathetic. there was 1 car in the drive through, and no one else was aroundā€¦but he didnt care.

ok its offical if you see SVH tell him we meet (insert agreed date here) , Lets do a One time meet at the Mighty on transit in williamsville or taco bell on maple rd. When we agree on a date someone whos brave enough to contact this dude can tell him. Bring cameras this should be Hilarious!

thats why im pissedā€¦i had the camera, and the balls to go shoot the shit with himā€¦wifey was too creeped out, so i couldnt. &%#%%$#&
id go back, but seriously doubt he is thereā€¦

thats it im emailing him! with my old yahoo email HAAA HAA, When do we all want to meet this wack job.
He prob was standing outside b/c he got kicked out i bet, SVH IN THE HOUSE!

You guys talk as if he hasnā€™t registered here and canā€™t read this. (Hint: There are quotes on his website only visible after you log in.) This guy will show up at a mighty meet if he wants to.


man, this guy owns hardcore. we need to get him to bring his fbod out to a meet :tspry:

could this be the new leader of the domestic crew for 07? :eek:



Ownage = confirmed.


You guys talk as if he hasnā€™t registered here and canā€™t read this. (Hint: There are quotes on his website only visible after you log in.) This guy will show up at a mighty meet if he wants to.


Do you know something we dont know??

has anyone heard his ā€œyouā€™re listening to 103.3 the edgeā€ bit he has for the station?

yea Tony, what about his motto?

i heard that too, we were all listening at work tuesday


You guys talk as if he hasnā€™t registered here and canā€™t read this. (Hint: There are quotes on his website only visible after you log in.) This guy will show up at a mighty meet if he wants to.


yah i knowā€¦i saw the posts from here he put on his siteā€¦he has me down for saying something i never saidā€¦

and i dont know if he was kicked out, or showing off to the girl in the drive through windowā€¦as he was parked directly accross from it.

well sammy if u can read this im sorry u are now banned from the casinoā€¦ idk what u did but it sucks i wont see you around anymore except for ur picture in the book of exclusions

Your idol :bloated:


i dunno whats creepier this guyā€¦ or the fact that you actually followed him home.


This guy fascinates me, besides i took a short cut to the blvd near his housing development so its not like i went out of my way


im sorry u are now banned from the casinoā€¦ idk what u did


As it was explained to me, he tried to enter wearing a Bills helmet. Then got into an argument with security, refusing to take it off.


Do you know something we dont know??


Naw I just figure that if heā€™s got quotes from here on his website he probably read this at some point, and if I were him and people were talking about me Iā€™d probably keep reading. :gotme: