Sam's Birthday?

dbfn hd xjdfhjfbc

What money, hahahahahahahaha, get a life.

dssdasd f

Epic fail thread ftw!




A+ thread, would read again.


2nd it…chriss07assass i woulod reallylike to meet you…but everytime i see you at the lot you just cruise through…typical spineless coward

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl silveradoman makin the callll outsssss

im not saying im gonna kick his ass or anything i would just like to meet him…like 98% of you guys have a problem with me on here and like 12 of you have actually met me…

ive met you and i have a BIG problem with you


well you dont count so fuck off…go bust on pjb for a while

i will after i slash all the tires on your dumpy truck

Sorry, haven’t been to “the lot” in months. I went there one time over summer, I don’t remember why though.

I think you’re confusing me with somebody else. I’m not the only one in this town with a red Cobalt.

which one???dont you threaten me with a go0d time if you aren’t going to put out!!..mods you getting this down…he threatened me…

Neg rep complete. haha.

Silveradoman I don’t have a problem with you, I just don’t like the fact that you tried to throw my name into the loop during the whole PJB thing when I had zero part in it.

I was probably one of the few members on this form that actually DIDN’T partake in the dumping of shit in that poor guy’s truck. :lol

I judge people by their actions, not by their appearance/interests/orientation(usually)/etc.

See where I am going with this?

aiite…well if thats what you are looking for…sorry for throwing you name into the whole pjb garbage situation…i made a false accusation that i felt was justified b/c of who i knew you were frineds with…thanks for the reference in who was and was not involved…ding ding ding you are correct in in that alot of people on this forum were involved…im sure you know now who was actually involved

Good, no hard feelings from here on out.

ya the night u walked franks bike over to girls in a car and started flirting :rofl

i have a life im sorry it doesnt involve paying 800+ dollars a month to live in some shithole. :thumbup thats no excuse. u owe me money either way.

cause u talk shit about 99% of the people on this forum its just the 1% of the 99% that hasent found out yet :lol i was part of that 1% now im part of the 98.

ive eatin dinner with this guy multiple timess and he has admited to fucking with pjb on multiple accounts:rofl