Sam's Birthday?

Mike you drive like a fucking maniac. :lol


0* thread, will never read again

You can have the parts back.

ok :thumbup and you can reinstall everything :thumbup civic carpet, s-10 carpet and head liner, civic caliper( i think you need that to stop:retardclap) arm rest. plastic trim for the s-10… sounds good so when are you gonna waste the time putting all that back together?:retardclap

Dude your a fucking retard. This conversation is over. I tried working shit out with you, but I don’t think you will ever grow the fuck up. Have fun with yourself. I don’t have the time to dick my self off with your BS.


Hey guys i jerked off with tanning lotion today, my penis is sparkly.

too much infoo… this was supposed to be about my birthday just delete the arguing portion

Not much here on your b-day. Might as well delete the whole thing, and start a to late happy birthday thread, lol.

Loved the text message, both of us need to :slight_smile:

lock 1 im tired of this birthday bs

Lcok 2

lock 3

the birthday was fucking a week ago :wtf :rofl

you just pissed cause im not gonna let u screw me over. we listen deuchbag ur not just gonna be able to put this one off. ill get whats owed to me :thumbup.

maybe you shouldent be a scumbag piece of shit and actually do shit you said you were gonna do. :thumbup

Lock 4



Why would you lock this thread, in my eyes it’s just beginning to heat up.

Not it’s not because this KID’S NOT GETTING SHIT! Your just pissed because your not getting shit. Have fun touch hole.

Someone just lock the damn thread already.

:lol i cant this is fuckin funny, u guys gotta get together and kisskiss

He’s not in my tool box, so I can’t kiss this tool. I get a kick out of it though. It is pretty funnny considering I know it heats this retard up. He came all the way to my job at almost 2am one night over a few text messages. And walked in like he was going to do something :ahh

I was already sitting in a chair waiting on him.

Yea I could kick you in the dick. Whats the matter don’t know how to wire 5 wires in, do ya?

I don’t work for scumbags that talk shit about me. And you expect me to still finish it, lol.

You owe me $192,798,072,982,948,920 for picking up your quad at Phibbs for you. Another $8400 for my rusted tailgate hinge you broke more, another $6000 for gas. I expect that as cash or a new truck, preferably a 2015 Duramax triple dually with triturbo, and 2 tanks of nitrous NOT just one damn it!