Sandy Hook a conspiracy?!?!?

Government is not a “single agent”

It’s an incredibly divided bureaucracy where there are hundreds of people and red tape involved on every decision and it gets scrutinized up and down the line typically by the opposition.

Have you ever seen the news? What do they talk about all day?

  1. Government can’t get their shit together
  2. Two parties hate each other and are polar opposites on most issues
  3. Not every single person in the government sector is competent and simply obeys orders without questioning them

You want questions, ask questions yourself. Why didn’t the creator of the site go down there? Why doesn’t he have interviews of these people himself. Why doesn’t he go down to the school himself? Why does he use the footage of media that is supposed to be manipulated to begin with? Why does the “government” organize this whole thing but left so many “clues”? Why has the “government” not take down his video or made him shut up? Why doesn’t he go visit the graves…