Sandy Hook a conspiracy?!?!?

Plot Twist: Tin foil hats are made by the government specifically for the purpose of reading your brain.

God these actors just don’t stop

Now they are saying guns aren’t the problem? What kind of double entendre is this??? This goes against the main mission!#$@

Father of Sandy Hook 6-Year-Old: “Gun Laws Are Not the Problem, Personal Responsibility Is”

The leftist response to Sandy Hook has been to emphasize the government as a national nanny state parent making one rule for all Americans. “You misused your gun, now all the guns get taken away.”
But Mark Mattioli, who lost his son James at Newtown, reminds us in this important video that parenting is an individual act.A work of personal responsibility.

[quote]On Monday in Hartford, Connecticut, Mark Mattioli spoke in front of a gun violence task force. Mattioli lost his six-year-old son James in the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut back in December. “Gun laws are not the problem,” he said.
In an emotional testimony, Mattioli said that more gun laws would not solve the problem and that politicians who try and proclaim that the issue is “complex.” He believes there is simply a lack of civility and that “what we are seeing are symptoms of a bigger problem. This is a symptom. The problem is not gun laws. The problem is a lack of civility.”
Mattioli recalled his own experience as a young adult watching “R” rated movies and compared that with what comes on broadcast television today with regards to violence. He believes this is one of the symptoms.
“We need civility,” he said. “We need common decency to prevail.”
The father of the slain six-year-old began to speak about his son, but overcome with emotion attempted to change the subject to the school and students, which again, overcame him with emotion.
While he did make it to speak somewhat about the school of Sandy Hook and referenced the parents as the “primary educators and providers,” one thing I will note here is that public schools that have your children for seven to eight hours a day are the primary educators and in many ways the primary providers. From my perspective this is one of those symptoms in our culture that must be treated and it will only be treated as parents assume the role of primary educators of their children.
Mattioli recalled a time when he was six years old and his parents, who grew up out of the Depression, did not believe in a lot of entertainment and extras. He recounted the story of how he asked his mother for some bubble gum one time and she told him “No.” He said, “So I stole it.” he then tells how his mother found out about it as they arrived home. She quickly returned to the store and made him hand the gum back to the cashier, apologize, and say that he would never do it again.

“That is the kind of parenting we need,” he said. “Parenting is where we need to focus our attention.”
We do not need complex laws,” Mattioli continued. “I am a big proponent of individual accountability and enforcement, so if there are going to be laws, we should enforce them.”
He then continued by dealing with gun laws in Chicago. “Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the country and I would say to people who wanted to have a civil discussion on the topic that I don’t think the gun laws are protecting the people, let alone the 500 alone, who perished last year in that city.”
“What have those laws done to make Chicago a safer city?” he asked. “Nothing, I propose.”
He then asked, “Can’t we do better?” His response was an unwavering “Yes.”
Mattioli then makes the point that all of us on this site have made time and time again. “Criminals, by definition, break the law. What we experienced at Sandy Hook, did (he) break the law? Of course, (he) broke the law.” With reference to the 500 killed in Chicago,he said those that killed them broke the law.
He then said, “Is one more law….I don’t care if you named it ‘James’ law’….I don’t want it.”

In a time when too many parents are pressured into endorsing some “Insert Your Child’s Name Here” Law in response to any tragedy, Mark has reminded us all what truly matters.
Change begins with the individual, the parents and the family. Not the government.



There goes his nomination for an Academy Award :rofl

If you actually watch the video and listen to him, he brings up good points. Looks like the man is a gun supporter himself as he brings up Chicago, criminals not following laws and mental issues in our society as the problem more so than “there isn’t enough laws”.

Worth a watch.