Santa + xbox = Ebay

Hhahahaha, That dude is gonna get screwed. Hope it backfires

If i had a million, I’d have him come to my house and install the biggest baddest gold and platinum plated subwoofers and tweeters ever…

i’d bid but i dont have an account…put it on yours for me…im good for it

shit im far from rich, I own a mustang, not a GTP

Chad can bid for me then? he has both :eek2:

I’m looking forward to see if anyone actuall bids on that :slight_smile:

lol …

It will backfire


hell i would be affraid to pay 500 bucks for an xbox 360 now with all the scares of the system crashin


Xbox 360 = recall it causes a fire and melts cds and that. so who ever wins enjoy a recall on it.

wtf are you talking abotu?

if poeple would just get their stupid fucking heads out of their ass and mount it vertically to allow airflow, the fucking things woudln’t overheat.


Yea but its so much more convenient to put i horizontally on top of your receiver while playing in dolby 5.1 surround for 5 hours straight, I mean it should have been designed to handle that!!! :squint:


the xbox actually has a ball bearing that tells it whether it’s vert or horizontal… when horizontal it pushes more air to try to cool but results in overheating the power supply to run the fans!

just be like me and rip the case apart and don’t run one.

sonnys a nerd

fix my x-box. it takes sometimes 15 minutes for it to load a perfectly clean disc, i keep gettin that BS message and i punch the bitch.