Saratoga Nissan Raided

:rofl definitely read the reviews.

Agreed. Love the contradiction on the one good review on there. I don’t know what everyone is talking about I bought two cars from them and everything was great. haha. At that point why bother trying to protect the dealership.

Yeah you have to take the time and read the reviews they’re fucking great.

Not really, they all just say the same thing


Bitch that’s how sales fucking WORK.

^ I guess we’re going to have to make up some fake Google reviews to make it a little more colorful then.

Please include sodomy

Internet reviews are about as good as some of the stories the media comes up with. Its exaggeration at its finest. Dealers try to make money, if you are dumb enough to not know ANYTHING at all about buying a car or taking it in for service then don’t cry about how much it cost you. Bring someone with you who has knowledge in that area.

this is quite the thread we going on in hurr

That’s guaranteed.

Something along the lines of “the salesman said he would take $1000 off if he could put a finger in my butt. Then when I signed the paperwork they didn’t take off the $1000”

“Saratoga Nissan killed my father and raped my mother. Oh and the certified pre-owned Murano I bought from them makes a funny noise when I make right hand turns.”

I bought a certified pre-owned nissan sentra from saratoga nissan, after delivery i found a shit in my spare tire. they didn’t even take any money off the car!

they sound like assholes

i dunno why those people are complaining after they let them lie and end up still buying a car from them lol

The one bitch on the news said “My payment was only supposed to be $475/month and when I got the statement it was $550. Now we have to save anything extra just to make the payment. We need to have a car for my family.”

Bitch, if you are saving all the extra money you have to pay the $75 dollar a month difference, YOU CANT AFFORD 475/MONTH EITHER!!! And it was an Altima!

Fucking bitches

do they have you vw salesman in the new Bait 'n Switch 101 class?

i don’t know how to payment got changed, nor do i want to know… but that being said I know they do a lot of LOW credit score deals with people who have a 450 to 599 credit scores. these people should not be getting a loan at all, and they have the banks that will take such a customer.

so people having a $475 payment on a altima is still 475x72 months= $34,200
the altima’s are most likely mid 20’s so figure the interest alone is around $5,000. Once people sit down and figure out they are paying that much in interest, i can see where they are pissed, but thats what a shitty credit score gets you.

There is a line between reasonable repair and preventative maintainance work and gouging a customer. Most dealers do matrix parts and labor and aren’t intended to be the low cost service provider, but the highest quality. Trust me I know I work for one. However there is no way they should be doing unauthorized or poorly explained work and then sticking the customer with a substantially larger bill when the job is done.

with poor pricing on services means the writers are keeping shitty records, end of story. if they keep note of time and price quoted on every RO like our store does, this type of unclear pricing can’t/won’t happen

Bait and switch tactics will get you raided too.