Save lives in may


“I have received information psychically, which is corroborated by scientific data, according to which on May 25, 2006 a giant tsunami will occur in the Atlantic Ocean, brought about by the impact of a comet fragment which will provoke the eruption of under-sea volcanoes. Waves up to 200 m high will reach coastlines located above and below the Tropic of Cancer. However, all of the countries bordering the Atlantic will be affected to greater or lesser destructive and deadly levels. This site is dedicated to life, to civic responsibility and to information. There is still time to save lives. Thanks for participating in the world-wide alert!” – Eric Julien

Everyone be careful tommarrow


sweet, we might get some ocean front property

^lol… free waterfront housing ftw

:word: * 2

dude we got 5+ hours of warning till it hit us anyways…

i’m taking the duck tours to work tommorow.


no need, Your gov’t will protect You.


soooo… im not dead yet

you still have a good 4 hours to go.

UPDATE MAY 25, 2006:
According to informed sources, contacts in the American intelligence services confirm the existence of a time window of 48 hours, centered on May 25th at midnight GMT, for the impact a comet fragment south of the Azores.

 This information corroborates information of an evacuation exercise of the U.S. Congress to occur later in the day of May 25th, information which reached us this morning.

 As a measure of precaution, I suggest the authorities do the utmost to protect the populations of the Atlantic coastlines. -- Eric Julien

is your hedgehog yawning? lol

this whole comet thing is BS.

It will burn up in the atmosphere and be no more than a shooting star


I’ve been waiting,

hmmmm…I should have gone to T.I.T.S and used it as a pick up line

^ damn, too bad I didn’t think of it.

So I love reading these pointless and stupid e-mails…know what the best part is? The spelling errors:

“I have received information psychically”
Hmm…he’s psychic?

“Under-Sea volcanoes”
Ya huh…undersea is one word, not a hyphenated one.

I’m gunna try to surf on my snowboard. :tup:
