Saving money, cutting costs

With all this savvy financial advice you should be rich man but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

a) you are wrong


b) you don’t follow your own advice

in either case - 'nuff said

good day.

i am not trying to be rich vlad. i am poor. but i have some wants that make me happy.

i try to live happily i found out from young age money can only buy things or buy short term happiness. but i found out through trial and error i would rather live happy then be able to buy things. as thinga are only good for a certain time. i tend to get bored of things and then have no use for them. if i only buy the things i realy wanted i might keep them longer and appreciate them a bit more. even get more use out of them. but if i can buy everything i might not get the same feeling out of it.

i would enjoy being able to buy everything i wanted but that isnt on my realistic things i want to accomplish list. i strive to become the best person i can. so everybody might be able to gain something from me. that is more valuable then haveing money imo. when people try to pick your brain its a amazing feeling for me. i would rather be wanted then liked.

i will not bend over backwards for $$$$

so instead of me trying to gain as much money i can like most greedy individuals i try to become the best person because the value of that is priceless one can not buy.

i understand people need to work and need money in todays world to live. but instead of saving $$$ or trying to earn as much $$$ as you can try to become a better person and see in the long run if that helps you more than saving a few cents eating McDOnalds.

for some the extra dollar might help for most becoming a great person is better.

dont rob, steal, cheat,burn,destroy for $$$$$. its not worth it. ask your buddy with the 1000hp s2000 what he thinks

^^^ your best post yet. I have been getting into this mentality over the past year and my life has been 100x better because of it.

I HAATEE when people say money doesnt buy happiness, I hate it hate it hate it…
live in a shithole house? Money can upgrade that and make you happy. Struggle to pay bills? Money can fix that.
cant fund your hobbys? Money can fix that
Cant afford a steak or lobster dinner every night? Money can fix that.
Want to stay home and spend time with your family instead of HAVING to work? Money can fix that.
Cant afford health insurance for loved ones that you want to live longer? Money can fix that.

Money can fix ALMOST every problem one could ever have… loosing someone to a death or something is unfair as that will happen regaurdless, but money would pay for care which would make you happy for a longer period of time.

…The second part is dumb too unless your talking about people with 100 million in there bank living in a 200k home… People try and collect as much money as they possibly can so #1 they can afford there life style and #2 so they can retire and do whatever they want comfertibly… If i had 100 million in the bank and lived in a $80k house with 3k a year taxes, yes, i could understand someone calling me greedy… NOW, if I live like donald trump with an annual salary of only 60 million per year but have 12+ 290 MILLION dollar properties I wouldnt call that greedy because if the money wasnt flowing in for a MONTH, hed be FUCKED!.. On the flipside, why would you sell something and retire when 90% of your money is being made from others who are working for you.

Ive never seen a guy on a jet ski with a frown! You can be happy without having money. You can be happier with it. Plus its not about how much you make each year. Its about net worth. The guy that makes $200k but has a $400k home and $60k vehicles has just as many money problems as the next guy.

Without divulging how much I make a year I can tell you that I dont have a cent of debt to my name. No credit cards, no car payments, no loans, nothing. If I want something I save for it, when you have no debt, it dosent take long to save for what you want. And if you cant afford it that way, you shouldnt be buying it. Otherwise you go into debt.

If I didnt have money, id be in debt. So yes, money 100% makes you happier than you could ever be without it. No matter how much you lie to yourself.

Greed is not the same as successful in my book. Greed in my head makes someone go beyond conventional means to get money. If you rack up substantially more money than you will ever need, and dont have a good plan on disbursing it “appropriately” when you pass your borderline greedy even if you racked it up law/morally. Also super wealthy people like bill gates or whatever are not that greedy, they employee and provided a lifestyle and career for MILLIONS of people. Directly or inadvertently. Some rap star who made 10 mill droppin an album full of slang, derogatory, demeaning bullshit then puts out the next album full of tracks bragging about it is a greedy scumbag in my book. Sure he maybe made a few others a lot of money along the way, but the way it was done is shitty in my book.

what 99 said. Spending money you dont have is 100% an addiction. One I personally fight with daily, both personally and professionally. Starting with nothing in both accounts and striving for something on the top shelf, its very hard and quite impossible to start out and achieve that without going into some sort of debit in the beginning.

Its digging your way out that is the challenge, and pushing yourself to not take the easy way out, lie to yourself when you swipe that card, is the addiction. Once you realize your debit is killing your future, you are addicted to “working your way out”. you find yourself second guessing purchases, but the other half tells you to take the risk because it could be worth the reward.

And bank of america still sucks. A business line of credit is pissing into the wind with them unless your running a penny candy store. lol

it’s not what you make, it’s what you keep

Money buys things, things don’t always equate to happiness. They can (temporary), but there’s so much more to life than things. You have to give back.

Having no credit cards, or loans ever isn’t good either. You need to establish credit. Unless you play on buying a home with cash.

Having loans on depreciating assets is the problem. (i.e cars).

Money can’t buy happiness, but it buys a GTR, and it’s hard to be sad with a GTR


until your drive it off the lot and put 30K on it, then decide you can swallow the depreciation!

I will put money on my cheap ass camaro when its done will put a smile on my face every time it starts up and every time I boot on it for a joy ride, more so than it would for me to fire up my GTR and toot around for a bit.

but thats just me. Its all about what you choose to focus on that will get your jollies off with.

Buying new is dumb. Buy 1/2 years old with no miles for 20% less ftw.


Course if you’re buying new GT-Rs for 115K you aren’t worried about depreciation.

Buying, doesnt mean lien free driving it off the lot! If that buyer isnt taking your advice in bold, I hope they are atleast aware of the depreciation on that purchase.

I recently got a job (boredom got to me… especially in winter), at a local Nissan dealership. Part of the pay plan includes a demo reimbursement if you sell X amount of cars so for shits and giggles I looked at leases and saw new GTRs. Holy fuck. How someone could pay $1800/month to lease a GTR for 2-3 years is insane. I can’t imagine the people wasting that money building no equity at all.

When the depreciation hit on a car you buy is close to your lease payment, it’s not a far jump to make.

That’s why a lot of people love leasing luxury cars and just trading them in for the new model once the lease runs out. You’re out practically the same money.

Edit: something something, having a loan/interest on a rapidly depreciating asset.

I certainly agree on luxury cars, but not GTRs.

1800x12x2 = $43,200. I doubt you’ll find a GTR depreciating that much over two years, as long as it’s not high mileage or anything bad.