Say Hello to the new Speaker of the House

god she irritates me… she talks to her constitunants like she’s talking to a class of second graders

look at those ear rings

as often as possible

thats like me saying i dont recall. :lol:

eww wheres all the hot moms in office

Wow, this is such a great example of Pelosi’s new leadership.

She is going to appoint an IMPEACHED JUDGE, to head the INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE?!?!?!

:lol: And corruption was the key issue for the voters huh?

Where’s the corruption, he was elected by the people of his district…AFTER HE WAS IMPEACHED…and he was impeached by the democrats…OMG

So you have no problem with appointing a judge who was impeached for taking a $150000 bribe to be the head of the intelligence committee?

TEAM AMERICA - World Pussies (as of 11-7-2006)

why is everyone afraid of america being viewed by the world as pussies. canada has been doing it for years with great success. only problem i see is canada wanting to fight us for king of pussies. but we have nukes and all they have is beer and hockey hall of fame…we’re all set

hahaahahahah now thats the kind of political discussion I like to see :stuck_out_tongue:

Representative republic or not, politicians have their own agendas no matter what party they are on. Money rules all.

Versus Hastert allowing a pedophile to remain in office.

But you have a point that is a dumb move.

poor baby’s gonna have to pay his workers an extra 50 cents an hour or so

Actually, it would be more like if after the inquiry Hastert is found to have done something illegal, is removed, and the Republican’s later appoint him as the new head of education. If you want to make similar comparisions. If that inquiry does find Hastert did something wrong I don’t think you’ll seem many Republicans standing behind him, and I know you wouldn’t find any ready to nominate him to be the head of a committee. Sure, he was re-elected, but so was Hevasi. You work to re-elect someone even when you think they may get removed so your party gets to pick their replacement.

Alcee Hastings was a judge who in 1989 the Democratic-controlled Senate convicted of accepting a $150,000 bribe and of perjury. He was basically selling sentences from the bench. Now fine, some idiot voters elected him after that, I can live with that just like I can live with the election results from last night. But someone who is the house speaker, who’s party just ran on the ideology of removing corruption, can’t appoint someone like Hastings to head a committee. Especially not a committee as important as the Intelligence Committee.

Ya, so I laid one off to make up for it.
That really helps things.:roll2:
Someday you libs will learn not to fuck with the people with the money.:wink:

umm NO

He was removed from his position as a Judge…HE WAS THEN VOTED IN TO OFFICE 7 TIMES BY THE VOTERS OF HIS DISTRICT…ALL OF THIS HAPPENING AFTER HE HAD BEEN IMPEACHED The people he represents want him there, if they didn’t they’d throw him to the curb like the 30 republicans who lost their jobs last night.

He never went to jail, he paid his dues for what he did.

If Tom Delay got cleared of all the charges against him and came back into the congress and the republicans won a majority, I’d have no regulatory problem with him being given a committee chair.

As a result of being a SENIOR member of the house he can become the chair of a committee

I fail to see how you can say he’s a corrupt congressman. He was a corrupt judge at one point, OK…Bush was a fucking coke-head, drunk frat-boy at one point. He’s certainly not those things anymore and you don’t have a problem with him being president (neither do I), although he might want to hit that bottle again now…

Do you need an extra straw to grasp for? Maybe you can bring up something else from 2 decades ago.

But whatever, come back to me in 2 years when the Democrats turn this sinking ship around.

Done gloating yet Joe? All politicians are crooks, even your beloved “flavor” of them. Hell, you’re just here for the Punch-and-Pie and to try and get into Wendy’s pants, you sick fuck. She’s what, 11?

Seriously Joe, sometimes I just sit here shaking my head reading your posts. And you want to talk about grasping at straws?

Lets not try and compare allegations from Bush’s college days, things he never even stepped into a courtroom for, to a judge who was impeached by due process . The two are no where near equal. Hastings was only the 6th judge in the history of impeachment in the US to be impeached. I wonder how many people drank and did drugs in the 60’s/70’s.

Like I said, I don’t care what the voters did. They can re-elect him all they want. That doesn’t mean the speaker of the house shouldn’t have enough common sense not to reward someone like him. And then to do it when just today she was quoted saying, “intend to lead the most honest, the
most open and the most ethical Congress in history.” It’s ethical to promote this guy to be the head of the intelligence committee? Maybe for a little bribe people can get their name off the do not fly list.

Come on, someone besides Joe chime in on this.

Oh, and Joe, “this sinking ship” you refer to is doing fine minus Iraq. Unemployment is down, the economy is up. Dems won simply because the country is sick of Iraq. So don’t come to me in 2 years telling me you’ve turned “everything” around, when it was already going in the right direction. I hope your party can fix Iraq. If you do congrats, you’ll probably get rewarded in 08, but no matter what happens you can’t really lay claim to the economy. Well, unless of course you fuck it up royally by taxing investments and giving it to the poor.

wtf? I thought broads werent even allowed to vote? How the hell is she gonna cook/clean/and do this all in one day? wtf?

Fine except all the scandal, Delay, Foley, come on now… Corruption was just as important as the Iraq war.